Am CH Walden's What A Dream
(M) 02/14/2013 WS43591601; Brindle
Am CH Mariner's Hurricane V RHGD
(M) 09/29/2006 WS19081203; Fawn COI=2.52%
Am CH Coldpaws Adm Farragut's DRM CD RN
(M) 11/12/2001 WR04828302; Fawn
Am CH Sherons Spencer T Grandy
Laurado's Donegal's Lass
Gusto's Salacia
(F) 05/06/2004 WS08699003; Brindle
Am CH My-Jon's Guilty As Charged
G.O.T.'s Ready to Rave
Walden's Queen Aeris
(F) WS37963301; Brindle
Stronghold's Loose The Dogs of War
(M) WS34651607; Brindle
Robin Hood Von Anan Kennel
Brandy vom Kainsbrachtal
Sheza Piece of Work
(F) 10/22/2007 WS24044504; Fawn
RQD' Ceasar of Simba's Pride
RQD's Lady Mischka Von Waldenheim
Walden's Elegance In Motion
(F) 10/13/2010 WS35770602; Fawn
Wabash Thidalium
(M) WS14130204; COI=6.57%
Ulisso Yankari
(M) PKR II-73948; Fawn
Barone-F Indios dell'Armida
Palomina Puenta Yankari
Ussuri Thidalium
(F) PKR II-69083; Fawn
Gagarin von Schlesien
Donna Kalpa Taru
Northwind The Glamorous V Rhgd
(F) WS21708104; Brindle COI=5.43%
Am CH Northwind They Call Me The Breeze
(M) 12/20/2002 WS02621906; Fawn
BISS Am Ch My-Jon's License To Thrill AOM
Am CH Keystone Shelby O'Northwind
Vicsons Holly Go Lightly
(F) 05/10/2002 WR06760102; Brindle
True Diamonds Trace of Vicson
Vicson's Mississippi Queen