Am CH Cinful at Norma Windyicity N Trila
(M) 10/09/2017 RKF5091756; COI=3.66%
RFK Ch Bigfort Yippi du
(M) 05/09/2015 RKF 4250052; Black COI=2.60%
Russian GCH Vityaz Hrabry Voin
Int CH Bigfort Rada Rais
RFK Ch Havera Alev Sheli
(F) 02/22/2010 RFK 2746913; Harlequin COI=4.08%
Russian CH Dobrynia Nikitich des Monts de l'Autan
Rus GCh, Int, Kaz, RKF Ch, Rus JCh, BISS (Rus & Kaz) Zhenevieva S Beregov Velikoi
Trila Windycity N Journey's Only the Beginning
(F) 07/05/2016 WS54792510; Mantle COI=7.55%
Am GChS Windycity-Orion's Guitar Hero CGCA TKN VHMA VSWB
(M) 05/31/2011 WS38022206; Mantle COI=5.51%
Am GChB Sasdania's the Prophecy
Orion's Written in the Stars
Breken Mld-Just A Small Town Girl "Journey"
(F) 07/16/2012 WS41702902; Harlequin COI=19.09%
Ln'M Pedal To The Metal
Michaeldane JB Breken's About Miss Piper