Am CH Thor-Kourt's Teagan Tealbla
(M) WG177764; COI=3.06%
Am CH Janels Trailblazer Von Sligo
(M) 12/31/1985 WF805176; Black COI=8.33%
Am CH Wall Street's Market Report
(M) 01/19/1982 WF150304; Black
Am CH Pedadane's Justinian
(M) WD930938; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Gent of Mountdania
Am CH Robmars Fanci
Am CH Winhurst's Cinder of Wall St
(F) 04/29/1978 WE029299;
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
Am CH Glen-Glo's Farah of Winhurst
Am & Can Ch Janels Merry Ms Molly
(F) 07/01/1981 WF061069; Black
Am CH Liberty's Captain Callisto
(M) WE074139; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
Vera's Black Blizzard
CH Walin's Schonlise
(F) 09/11/1978 WE217075; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
Hickory Hills Julie Too
Am CH Thor-Kourt's Teal Knitoul
(F) WF745292; Blue COI=17.33%
Can Ch Thor-Kourt's Toulouse Toto
(M) 08/27/1982 WF339371;
Thor-Kourt's Tobleron Teb
(M) 05/19/1981 WE978661;
Haltmeiers Ebonyzer
Thor-Kourt's Amulet V Tato
Thor Kourt's Tonka Toy
(F) 02/11/1979 WE391126;
Can Ch Thor-Kourt's Talisman Riv
Thor-Kourt's Kalliope Siaq
Thor-Kourt's Knike Tonuno
(F) WF687167;
Am CH Haltmeier's Uno King V Hearts
(M) 02/14/1981 WE98236; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
Am CH Azurs Elbina
Thor Kourt's Tonka Toy
(F) 02/11/1979 WE391126;
Can Ch Thor-Kourt's Talisman Riv
Thor-Kourt's Kalliope Siaq
Am CH Thor-Kourt Kressida Kazkace
(F) 01/15/1994 WP54227601; COI=5.07%
Am CH Thor-Kourt's Kaz Tanitank
(M) WG249012; COI=14.39%
Thor-Kourt's Kantank Kanyfed
(M) 05/16/1987 WG120193;
Fedor vom Backhaus
(M) 10/25/1985 WG035401;
Zisko von der Burghalde
Xenia v Agricola
Thor-Kourt's Kanya Toulkat
(F) 02/21/1984 WF703735;
Can Ch Thor-Kourt's Toulouse Toto
Thor-Kourt's Katie Kaleb
Thor-Kourt's Tania Kastoul
(F) 01/15/1985 WG221593;
Can Ch Thor-Kourt's Toulouse Toto
(M) 08/27/1982 WF339371;
Thor-Kourt's Tobleron Teb
Thor Kourt's Tonka Toy
CH Thor-Kourt's Kase Kaleb
(F) WE846323;
Haltmeiers Ebonyzer
Thor-Kourt's Kalliope Siaq
Can Ch Thor-Kourt's Kace Kapthack
(F) 09/20/1991 WP37910402; COI=11.24%
Am CH Janels Kapitan THR-KRT
(M) 07/12/1990 WP29925801; Blue
Can Ch Thor-Kourt's Katan Tankels
(M) 06/29/1987 WG055400;
Thor-Kourt's Kelse To Skandac
Thor-Kourt's Tanda Toto
Am CH Janels Saralea V Redhill
(F) 12/31/1985 WF842550;
Am CH Wall Street's Market Report
Am & Can Ch Janels Merry Ms Molly
Thor-Kourt's Thackoray Knibl
(F) 05/03/1987 WG055401; Black
Am CH Janels Trailblazer Von Sligo
(M) 12/31/1985 WF805176; Black
Am CH Wall Street's Market Report
Am & Can Ch Janels Merry Ms Molly
Thor-Kourt's Knike Tonuno
(F) WF687167;
Am CH Haltmeier's Uno King V Hearts
Thor Kourt's Tonka Toy