Am CH Thor Kourt's Kal Kuatklot
(M) WP30639301; COI=41.97%
Thor-Kourt's Kuatro Toka
(M) WG328891; COI=24.65%
Thor-Kourt's Toby Kleens
(M) WF807539;
CH Thor-Kourt's J R Gere
(M) 01/22/1980 WE581581; Harlequin
Thor-Kourt's Gefleckte Siaq
Thor-Kourt's Klarese V Luur
Thor-Kourt's Klarese V Luur
(F) 07/02/1978 WE062592; Harlequin
Lubin of Tane'lorn
Thor-Kourt's Ursa V Sigi
Thor-Kourt's Kahana Moru
(F) WF807540;
Thor-Kourt's Tjag Teke
(M) WF306644;
Thor Kourt's Tosco Kear
Thorkourt's Taura Teko
Thor-Kourt's Kara Borec
(F) 04/25/1982 WF560943;
Thor Kourt's Tosco Kear
Thor-Kourt's Klarese V Luur
Thor-Kourt's Kloat Karatob
(F) WF860676; COI=34.86%
Thor-Kourt's Toby Kleens
(M) WF807539;
CH Thor-Kourt's J R Gere
(M) 01/22/1980 WE581581; Harlequin
Thor-Kourt's Gefleckte Siaq
Thor-Kourt's Klarese V Luur
Thor-Kourt's Klarese V Luur
(F) 07/02/1978 WE062592; Harlequin
Lubin of Tane'lorn
Thor-Kourt's Ursa V Sigi
Thor-Kourt's Kara Borec
(F) 04/25/1982 WF560943;
Thor Kourt's Tosco Kear
(M) WE978662;
Thor-Kourt's Tartan V Luur
Thor Kourt's Noir Siaq
Thor-Kourt's Klarese V Luur
(F) 07/02/1978 WE062592; Harlequin
Lubin of Tane'lorn
Thor-Kourt's Ursa V Sigi
Am CH Thor-Kourts Bentaura Karizma
(F) 05/27/1984 WF577929; COI=5.90%
CH Thor-Kourt's J R Gere
(M) 01/22/1980 WE581581; Harlequin COI=16.50%
Thor-Kourt's Gefleckte Siaq
(M) 03/27/1977 WD996413; Harlequin
Thor-Kourt's Regal Siegfried
(M) 03/14/1976 WD459472;
Am & Can Ch Riverwood's Regal Siegfried
Kolyer's Kourtney of Bromorc
Thor-Kourt's Tonya v Aquarus
(F) 05/08/1975 WD266956;
Am & Can Ch Aquarius V Meistersinger
Kolyer's Kourtney of Bromorc
Thor-Kourt's Klarese V Luur
(F) 07/02/1978 WE062592; Harlequin
Lubin of Tane'lorn
(M) WD864967; Harlequin
Am CH Admiral von der Berg Arras
Sigi's Figi Newton
Thor-Kourt's Ursa V Sigi
(F) WD440525; Black
Am & Can Ch Riverwood's Regal Siegfried
Kolyer's Kourtney of Bromorc
Bentaura's Call Me Madam
(F) 11/06/1977 WE424850; Harlequin COI=15.99%
Lord Leicester of Brookside and Anset
(M) 04/02/1976 ; Harlequin
Montego of Helmlake
(M) 02/28/1975 602BK; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae
Bettina of Helmlake
(F) 98288/71; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
Helmlake Ulanova El Eick Von Furst Bismarck
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae
(F) 19540/74; Mantle
Count Igor Von Meistersinger
(M) 05/27/1970 WB828483; White
Am CH The Dutchman V Meistersinger
Schatzie Von Meistersinger
Am CH Leslie's Raggedy Ann
(F) 02/05/1969 WB301252; Harlequin
Orell's Brede Von Waldesruh
Am CH Mountdania's Nifty Number