Impton Naskapi
(M) 07/27/1979 ; COI=5.48%
Airways Optimist of Impton
(M) 05/10/1977 S37957/77 / C93248C9; Fawn COI=10.09%
Allyndanes Alfie V Archduke
(M) 09/15/1974 WD070404 / S34875/75; Fawn
Am CH The Archduke of Tiara Dane
Call Me Madame of Daneoaks
Ity & Nord Ch Airways Danielle
(F) 02/09/1973 S08896/73; Brindle
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
Int, Fin, Nor & Swd Ch Airways Lazy Susan
Impton Wichita
(F) 08/27/1974 3713BJ; Black
Eng Ch Big Sur of Impton
(M) 05/04/1970 ; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
Marpesa of Merrowlea
UK Ch Impton Duralex Burnita
(F) 04/25/1969 ; Black
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
Nordic & Int Ch Chan-Sonette of Doggline
Impton Soreno of Jamik
(F) ; COI=12.05%
Impton Geronimo
(M) ; COI=9.54%
Obispo of Impton
(M) 12/18/1970 ; Blue
Impton Pacific of Maradane
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Impton Wichita
(F) 08/27/1974 3713BJ; Black
Eng Ch Big Sur of Impton
UK Ch Impton Duralex Burnita
Impton Zuni
(F) ; COI=13.72%
UK Ch Impton Apache
(M) 11/25/1972 ; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Sierra of Impton
UK Ch Impton Duralex Burnita
(F) 04/25/1969 ; Black
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
Nordic & Int Ch Chan-Sonette of Doggline