Am CH Dean's Kim of Fairleigh
(M) W933333; COI=3.78%
CH Rea-Dane's Lord Colleton
(M) 12/30/1952 W383101; Fawn COI=1.27%
CH Ajax of Blackwell
(M) 10/12/1951 W290328; Fawn
Vakeck's Red Ransome
(M) W66231;
Gilbert's Trenoweth Lady
(F) 08/01/1947 W 56746; Fawn
Am CH Pathan of Brae Tarn
Thor's Liesl
CH Fauna von Weser
(F) 11/21/1950 W281188; Fawn
Am CH Xerxes of Twin Cedars
(M) 08/11/1946 W23997; Fawn
Am CH King Kong of Daynemouth
Am CH Duchess of Twin Cedars
Dalmar's Freya of Ragnarok
(F) W87765;
CH Jocopa's Banshee
(F) W597956; Fawn COI=8.87%
Gregory of Kent
(M) W353740; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Lord Jim
(M) 02/09/1948 W91754; Brindle
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
CH Winged Victory
Am CH Diana of Kent
(F) 05/14/1949 W145761; Fawn
Am CH Xerxes of Twin Cedars
Am CH Cassandra of Kent
Am CH Gilbert's Braemar Blossomtime
(F) 07/20/1949 W155218; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Dolf Crusader
(M) ; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Thor II
Sandra of Warrendane
Am CH Senta
(F) 10/02/1945 W209; Fawn
Sir James
CH Ona of Brae Tarn
Miss Ginger Snyder
(F) ;
Am CH Peterson's Mr. Westchester
(M) W126353; Fawn
Am CH Fury
(M) W78259; Fawn
Am CH Vakeck's Gallant Cavalier
(M) 11/16/1942 A669408; Fawn
Am CH Vassall of Vakeck
Am CH Heide's Fantasy of Vakeck
Creightons Lady Joy
(F) ; Fawn
Bruce of Roxdane
Sandra of Ivandale
Peterson's Neon of Walnut Hall
(F) W43580; Fawn
Lipsey's Patsy of Pam-Dane
(F) ; Fawn
Nalla's Deacon Smith
(M) ; Fawn
Zorn's Lady Pamela CD
(F) W128977; Fawn