River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Shady Crk N Gusto's Shake It Up
(M) 10/05/2014
WS48454503; Brindle
COI: 6.88%
Am GChB Rojon's Cast Fate To The Wind
(M) 08/22/2012
WS41820601; Brindle
Am CH Hudson-Icon's Shots Fired
(M) 05/19/2010
WS34806101; Brindle
Am CH Icon-Hudson Aint To Prwd T'beg
Am CH Hudson-Icon Steady As She Goes
Am CH Rojon's Love Me Tender
(F) 09/03/2009
WS31525201; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof Maxwell

Am CH Rojon's Ready Or Not
Shady Crk N Gusto's Dreamcatcher
(F) 10/21/2010
WS36099401; Fawn
Am CH My-Jon's Guilty As Charged

(M) 11/24/2000
WR00390001; Fawn
BISS Am Ch My-Jon's License To Thrill AOM

Am CH Akorns Spirit My-Jon LST CRK
Am CH Shady Crk N Moon Rvrs I No U N V Me

(F) 12/17/2006
WS20161101; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Sandyoaks Enduring Freedom

Shady Creeks Forever Yours