Am CH Sheenwater All In the Game
(M) WG309498; COI=22.39%
BIS BISS Am Ch Sheenwater Gamble on Me HOF ROM
(M) 02/21/1983 WF381346; Fawn COI=14.26%
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
Am CH Stone River's Delta Dawn
Sheenwater Ophelia
(F) WF836475; COI=11.63%
Am CH Sheenwater Jacks or Better CD
Sheenwater Doubled in Spades
Sheenwater Remembrance
(F) WG102793; COI=13.63%
Am CH Waterwoods Excalibur Ventura
(M) WF567925; COI=9.11%
Am CH Sheenwater Ace in the Hole
CH Waterwoods Aura V Mountdania CD
Cybone's Queen of Hearts
(F) ; COI=18.32%
BIS BISS Am Ch Sheenwater Gamble on Me HOF ROM
Ashbun Acres Luck of the Draw