River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Shylow's Princess Pollyanna
COI: 3.66%
Shylow Jecamo's the Beefeater
Am & Mex Ch Jecamo's the Beefeater CD PC
(M) 09/12/1962
WA351576; Fawn
Trailblazer of Los Vientos
(M) 01/13/1959
WA055117; Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
(M) 12/23/1954
W570602; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Lord Jim
(M) 02/09/1948
W91754; Brindle
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
A401711; Fawn
Am CH Duke of Roxdane
A020120; Fawn
Am CH Steinbacher's King
Rino von Bremen
Am CH Heide of Brae Tarn
A215236; Fawn
Am CH Czardas v Eppleinsprung Noris
Eng Ch Quia of Brae Tarn
CH Winged Victory
A955029; Brindle
Am CH Gilbert's Thor II
A542024; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Marching Peter
Gilbert's Betsy Lou
CH Carliss Lady Lu
; Brindle
Thor Von Thaden
Queen of Hollis Court
Am CH Heidere's Theda Bara
W366633; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aelric
(M) 03/19/1948
W130995; Fawn
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
A401711; Fawn
Am CH Duke of Roxdane
Am CH Heide of Brae Tarn
Cathy of Danecroft
A640515; Fawn
Am CH Estid Zeus
Annabella of Danecroft
Am CH Heidere's Alexi
(F) 05/06/1949
W160882; Fawn
Duke of Awosting
W18893; Brindle
Peter of Pond Place
Duchess of Mathisdane
Blondie of Sunningdane
(F) 04/18/1946
W30212; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Thor II
Flaming Flirt of Los Vientos
; Fawn
Am CH An Gleann Planetree-Artair
(M) 08/01/1949
W182312; Fawn
Am CH An Gleann Planetree-Targe
(M) 08/17/1945
W10703; Fawn
Am CH Faecarl's Brendo
(M) 05/27/1943
A787621; Fawn
Am CH Voro of Ridgerest
MBIS Am Ch Brenda of Brae Tarn
CH Rinni of Planetree
Am CH Plaintree's Cyrus of Riviera
CH Hulda of Planetree
Oakdane Belinda of Planetree
(F) 06/10/1947
W63037; Fawn
CH Damocles of Hazelcrest
CH Dan Half of Brae Tarn
Dawn of Hazelcrest
CH Venni of Planetree
CH Estid Biggs
Una of Planetree
Freyja's Firefly CD
W534478; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
(M) 03/19/1948
W130996; Fawn
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
A401711; Fawn
Am CH Duke of Roxdane
Am CH Heide of Brae Tarn
Cathy of Danecroft
A640515; Fawn
Am CH Estid Zeus
Annabella of Danecroft
Am CH Kalmar's Excalibur's Freyja
W409958; Fawn
Am CH Kalmar's Excalibur
(M) 07/04/1948
W113411; Fawn
Am CH Xerxes of Twin Cedars
Kalmar's Ceasarina
Dinro Wallis of Kalmar
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Dinro Cam
Am CH Kelsey's Annie Laurie

(F) 08/14/1959
WA16468; Fawn
Am CH Highfield's Buchanan

(M) 05/25/1958
W918091; Fawn
Am CH Paethan of Mountdania
(M) 09/09/1954
W556632; Fawn
Rili's Pollux
(M) 02/22/1952
; Fawn
Am CH Tyras V Ralmar
(M) 01/05/1947
W42886; Fawn
Am CH Pathan of Brae Tarn
Paula of Holly-Knoll
Am CH Kready's Leda
(F) 04/21/1948
W85997; Fawn
Am CH Kermit of Daynemouth
Rinda of Easy Acre
Mountdania's Karen
; Fawn
Am CH Tyras V Ralmar
(M) 01/05/1947
W42886; Fawn
Am CH Pathan of Brae Tarn
Paula of Holly-Knoll
Kenda's Yola V. Nobelstrain
W46832; Fawn
Nobel Son Rufus
Sabrina of Mountdania
(F) 08/05/1954
W652735; Brindle
Am CH Chasnell Moro V Ralmar
(M) 11/23/1950
W311375; Brindle
Am CH Tyras V Ralmar
(M) 01/05/1947
W42886; Fawn
Am CH Pathan of Brae Tarn
Paula of Holly-Knoll
Thyla V Ralmar
(F) 07/09/1947
W123298; Brindle
Am CH Pathan of Brae Tarn
Duchess v Zorna
Glad Eartha of Mountdania
; Fawn
Am CH Tyras V Ralmar
(M) 01/05/1947
W42886; Fawn
Am CH Pathan of Brae Tarn
Paula of Holly-Knoll
Am CH Glad Velvet
W241289; Fawn
Glad Robles of Zorn
Tora V Hexengold
Gilbert's Crestview Bonnie
(F) 07/17/1957
; Fawn
Am CH Bolo's Magnificent
(M) 07/18/1955
W630281; Fawn
Am CH Astrid's Bodo
(M) 06/02/1946
W196491; Fawn
Gilbert's Adele's Commander
W91877; Fawn
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
CH Gilbert's Glory's Adele
Am CH Senta's Astrid
W60966; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Dolf Crusader
Am CH Senta
Am CH Ladymeade Quella
W342062; Fawn
Am CH Ladymeade Hyperion II
W110718; Fawn
Hyperion of Ladymeade
Ladymeade Flambana of Billil
Am CH Ladymeade Petula
(F) 05/21/1949
W150504; Fawn
Am CH Faecarl's Brendo
Tosca of Ladymeade
Gilbert's Crestview Tiny
W563500; Fawn
Am CH Astrid's Bodo
(M) 06/02/1946
W196491; Fawn
Gilbert's Adele's Commander
W91877; Fawn
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
CH Gilbert's Glory's Adele
Am CH Senta's Astrid
W60966; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Dolf Crusader
Am CH Senta
Am CH Gilbert's Jersey Betsy
W299749; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Braemar Ensign
(M) 06/12/1948
W100215; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Dolf Crusader
Diana 's Glory
Gilbert's Glory Adeline
W19773; Fawn
Am CH Bjorn Herwolfson
Diana 's Glory
Jecamos' Beefeater Gin Angel
WA698726; Brindle
Am & Mex Ch Jecamo's the Beefeater CD PC
(M) 09/12/1962
WA351576; Fawn
Trailblazer of Los Vientos
(M) 01/13/1959
WA055117; Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
(M) 12/23/1954
W570602; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Lord Jim
(M) 02/09/1948
W91754; Brindle
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
A401711; Fawn
Am CH Duke of Roxdane
Am CH Heide of Brae Tarn
CH Winged Victory
A955029; Brindle
Am CH Gilbert's Thor II
CH Carliss Lady Lu
Am CH Heidere's Theda Bara
W366633; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aelric
(M) 03/19/1948
W130995; Fawn
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
Cathy of Danecroft
Am CH Heidere's Alexi
(F) 05/06/1949
W160882; Fawn
Duke of Awosting
Blondie of Sunningdane
Flaming Flirt of Los Vientos
; Fawn
Am CH An Gleann Planetree-Artair
(M) 08/01/1949
W182312; Fawn
Am CH An Gleann Planetree-Targe
(M) 08/17/1945
W10703; Fawn
Am CH Faecarl's Brendo
CH Rinni of Planetree
Oakdane Belinda of Planetree
(F) 06/10/1947
W63037; Fawn
CH Damocles of Hazelcrest
CH Venni of Planetree
Freyja's Firefly CD
W534478; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
(M) 03/19/1948
W130996; Fawn
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
Cathy of Danecroft
Am CH Kalmar's Excalibur's Freyja
W409958; Fawn
Am CH Kalmar's Excalibur
Dinro Wallis of Kalmar
Am CH Kelsey's Annie Laurie

(F) 08/14/1959
WA16468; Fawn
Am CH Highfield's Buchanan
(M) 05/25/1958
W918091; Fawn
Am CH Paethan of Mountdania
(M) 09/09/1954
W556632; Fawn
Rili's Pollux
(M) 02/22/1952
; Fawn
Am CH Tyras V Ralmar
Am CH Kready's Leda
Mountdania's Karen
; Fawn
Am CH Tyras V Ralmar
Kenda's Yola V. Nobelstrain
Sabrina of Mountdania
(F) 08/05/1954
W652735; Brindle
Am CH Chasnell Moro V Ralmar
(M) 11/23/1950
W311375; Brindle
Am CH Tyras V Ralmar
Thyla V Ralmar
Glad Eartha of Mountdania
; Fawn
Am CH Tyras V Ralmar
Am CH Glad Velvet
Gilbert's Crestview Bonnie
(F) 07/17/1957
; Fawn
Am CH Bolo's Magnificent
(M) 07/18/1955
W630281; Fawn
Am CH Astrid's Bodo
(M) 06/02/1946
W196491; Fawn
Gilbert's Adele's Commander
Am CH Senta's Astrid
Am CH Ladymeade Quella
W342062; Fawn
Am CH Ladymeade Hyperion II
Am CH Ladymeade Petula
Gilbert's Crestview Tiny
W563500; Fawn
Am CH Astrid's Bodo
(M) 06/02/1946
W196491; Fawn
Gilbert's Adele's Commander
Am CH Senta's Astrid
Am CH Gilbert's Jersey Betsy
W299749; Fawn
Am CH Gilbert's Braemar Ensign
Gilbert's Glory Adeline
Am CH Jecamos' Dubonnet De Groff
Am, Mex & Can Ch Jecamo's Caesar of AAA

(M) 03/19/1962
Wa271009; Fawn
Trailblazer of Los Vientos
(M) 01/13/1959
WA055117; Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
(M) 12/23/1954
W570602; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Lord Jim
(M) 02/09/1948
W91754; Brindle
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
CH Winged Victory
Am CH Heidere's Theda Bara
W366633; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aelric
Am CH Heidere's Alexi
Flaming Flirt of Los Vientos
; Fawn
Am CH An Gleann Planetree-Artair
(M) 08/01/1949
W182312; Fawn
Am CH An Gleann Planetree-Targe
Oakdane Belinda of Planetree
Freyja's Firefly CD
W534478; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Am CH Kalmar's Excalibur's Freyja
Am CH Kelsey's Annie Laurie
(F) 08/14/1959
WA16468; Fawn
Am CH Highfield's Buchanan
(M) 05/25/1958
W918091; Fawn
Am CH Paethan of Mountdania
(M) 09/09/1954
W556632; Fawn
Rili's Pollux
Mountdania's Karen
Sabrina of Mountdania
(F) 08/05/1954
W652735; Brindle
Am CH Chasnell Moro V Ralmar
Glad Eartha of Mountdania
Gilbert's Crestview Bonnie
(F) 07/17/1957
; Fawn
Am CH Bolo's Magnificent
(M) 07/18/1955
W630281; Fawn
Am CH Astrid's Bodo
Am CH Ladymeade Quella
Gilbert's Crestview Tiny
W563500; Fawn
Am CH Astrid's Bodo
Am CH Gilbert's Jersey Betsy
Jecamo's Twinkles
; Brindle
Susan's Storm of Gold
; Brindle
Am CH Treseder's Craig Winter Gold
(M) 12/18/1956
W825008; Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
(M) 12/23/1954
W570602; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Lord Jim
Am CH Heidere's Theda Bara
Truby's Tigeressa
; Fawn
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
Kalmar's Duchess III
Lady Susan of Spillerdane
Night Storm of Kay Rio
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
Taneric's Legend
Freyja's Firefly CD
W534478; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Am CH Kalmar's Excalibur's Freyja
Honey Hollow Ampa Joli
; Brindle
Gregory of Kent
W353740; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Lord Jim
(M) 02/09/1948
W91754; Brindle
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
CH Winged Victory
Am CH Diana of Kent
(F) 05/14/1949
W145761; Fawn
Am CH Xerxes of Twin Cedars
Am CH Cassandra of Kent
Am CH Heidere's Theda Bara
W366633; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aelric
(M) 03/19/1948
W130995; Fawn
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
Cathy of Danecroft
Am CH Heidere's Alexi
(F) 05/06/1949
W160882; Fawn
Duke of Awosting
Blondie of Sunningdane
Princess Najah's Tinkerbelle
; Fawn
Osmin Trutz und Treue
WA410500; Fawn
Axel vom Kloster Tholey
(M) 04/03/1957
VDH/DDC 042928; Fawn
Illo vom Salinental
Alack D'emmele
Welack D'emmele
Ussy De Mormal
LOF 15331D;
Adel von der Niederfurth
(F) 05/03/1950
VDH/DDC 38097; Fawn
Maestoso vom Klingenpfad
Bento von Krakow
(M) 09/07/1941
VDH/DDC 31232; Brindle
Götz vom Daheim
Carmen von der Welfenburg
Cora vom Rissener Waldhof
; Fawn
WS37 Hellas Kadow
Gefion vom Schilfkolben
Carmen Maestoso
; Brindle
Bento von Krakow
(M) 09/07/1941
VDH/DDC 31232; Brindle
Götz vom Daheim
Carmen von der Welfenburg
Flava vom Schloß Dellwig
(F) 06/15/1942
VDH/DDC 31688; Fawn
RS41 Kant Doggensport
Wiki vom Schloß Dellwig
Diana V Starkbronn
(F) 06/16/1953
ÖHZB 948; Fawn
Cäsar Gross
Dougall von der Irminsul
Xanthos von der Irminsul
Heros vom Klingenpfad
Heli v Daheim
Elfe Hexengold
(F) 06/07/1939
VDH/DDC 29974; Brindle
Leo Hassia
Alraune Hexengold
Elke von der Sturmböe
; Fawn
Dougall von der Irminsul
Xanthos von der Irminsul
Elfe Hexengold
Uga vom Schilfkolben
(F) 07/13/1943
VDH/DDC 032459; Fawn
RS41 Kant Doggensport
Isabeau vom Schilfkolben
Anette v Starkbronn
(F) 03/06/1951
VDH/DDC 039512; Brindle
Cajal vom Circus Renz
(M) 08/01/1944
VDH/DDC 033089; Fawn
Hektor vom Bärenstein
(M) 08/22/1940
30634; Fawn
Yaggan vom Dietrichseck
Horra von der Linde
Rautendelein von der Irminsul
(F) 07/08/1941
VDH/DDC 031183; Fawn
Gösta vom Schilfkolben
Lilith von der Irminsul
Hydra von der Lipsia
(F) 07/06/1949
VDH/DDC 037919; Brindle
Pirat von Schloß Dellwig
(M) 10/15/1946
VDH/DDC 033932; Fawn
Bento von Krakow
Kaska vom Schloss Dellwig
Bella von der Lipsia
; Brindle
Arnim vom Dietrichseck
Elga vom Dietrichseck
Galatee Trutz und Treue
(F) 05/16/1957
Pascha vom Birkenhof
(M) 05/03/1951
VDH/DDC 038913; Brindle
Neil Von De Haider
(M) 04/29/1949
VDH/DDC 38882; Fawn
Murray's Eric of Shadow Knoll
(M) 12/17/1944
W139; Fawn
Am CH Eric of Shadow Knoll
A740295; Fawn
CH Dolf vom Schloß Dellwig
Gilbert's Princess Sonja
Diana's Glory
A817823; Fawn
Am CH Neil of Brae Tarn
CH Gilbert's Diana
Kingcourt's Ardeena
Baron Franjune
A903676; Fawn
CH Berube's Banquo of Helles
Lady Kay of Longmeadow
Lau v Birkenhof
(F) 05/15/1946
33637; Brindle
Bento von Krakow
(M) 09/07/1941
VDH/DDC 31232; Brindle
Götz vom Daheim
(M) 01/09/1938
29002; Brindle
Malek von Loheland
Vesta Hexengold
Carmen von der Welfenburg
(F) 06/04/1939
29918; Fawn
Roland vom Kohlenstein
Toska vom Kohlenstein
Hekate Hexengold
(F) 02/14/1941
VDH/DDC 30789; Fawn
Barnabas Hexengold
(M) 12/14/1938
VDH/DDC 29770; Brindle
Zenith Hexengold
Viola Hexengold
RS41 Diana Hexengold
(F) 03/01/1939
VDH/DDC 29735; Fawn
SG38 Zeus Hexengold
Juwela von der Pissa
Claudia Trutz und Treu
40624; Fawn
Eick Maestoso
(M) 07/12/1949
VDH/DDC 36938; Fawn
Wotan von der Kreuzschanze
(M) 10/01/1947
VDH/DDC 34838; Fawn
Cäsar vom Nessal
(M) 03/23/1942
31608; Brindle
RS41 Kant Doggensport
Anita vom Nessal
Ch48 Rune vom Hause Birkenhagen
(F) 04/23/1944
32843; Brindle
Melak Hassia
Fee Hexengold
Flava vom Schloß Dellwig
(F) 06/15/1942
VDH/DDC 31688; Fawn
RS41 Kant Doggensport
(M) 07/31/1937
VDH/DDC 28613; Brindle
Cuno v Eppelein-Spring-Noris
Aga v d Polizeihundeschule
Wiki vom Schloß Dellwig
(F) 10/15/1939
30238; Fawn
Namoh vom Schloß Dellwig
Sonja vom Drachenstein
Biene von Schellhorn
(F) 07/08/1949
VDH/DDC 37163; Fawn
Adje von der Freiheit
(M) 04/28/1947
VDH/DDC 34428; Fawn
Dolf vom Hamburger Michel
(M) 04/30/1944
33545; Brindle
Cäsar vom Nessal
CH Gitana vom Frauenberg
Barbara v d Philippinen
(F) 07/29/1943
32270; Brindle
Adje von der Hummelburg
Arjopa von den Philippinen
Zoe vom Schilfkolben
(F) 06/16/1946
33681; Brindle
Kekki vom Birkenhof
(M) 08/11/1944
VDH/DDC 33065; Fawn
Melak Hassia
Hekate Hexengold
Uten vom Schilfkolben
(F) 07/13/1943
VDH/DDC 032457; Brindle
RS41 Kant Doggensport
Isabeau vom Schilfkolben
Ledezan's Princess Najah
; Fawn
Gowindane's Golden Fury
Am CH Dane Eden's Guard
Am CH Dane Eden's Samson
(M) 09/12/1946
W77254; Fawn
Am CH Faecarl's Brendo
(M) 05/27/1943
A787621; Fawn
Am CH Voro of Ridgerest
A370783; Brindle
Am CH August of Brae Tarn
Merry M of Ridgerest
MBIS Am Ch Brenda of Brae Tarn
(F) 05/26/1937
A197347; Fawn
Am CH Czardas v Eppleinsprung Noris
Eng Ch Quia of Brae Tarn
Am CH Duchess of Zel-Thor
(F) 12/08/1943
A780715; Fawn
Bandit of Danecrest
(M) 11/30/1941
Brian V Riesen
Tanya of Granada
Ariel of Dane Lair
(F) 01/08/1942
CH Estid Zilch
Carla of Zel Thor
Guard of Taneric
Merry Anne of Dane Crest
Am CH Crescendo's Lady Shasta
(F) 06/26/1956
Crescendo of Guilerdane
Am CH Dollymount's Comus
(M) 05/17/1950
W204117; Brindle
Am CH Ladymeade Flambeau of Billil
Irish Ch Hyawatha of Ladymeade
Boadicea of Barvae
Am & Can Ch Lorelei
(F) 09/12/1946
W062070; Fawn
Am CH Faecarl's Brendo
Am CH Duchess of Zel-Thor
Am CH Lil' of Guilerdane
Am CH Dane Eden's Samson
(M) 09/12/1946
W77254; Fawn
Am CH Faecarl's Brendo
Am CH Duchess of Zel-Thor
CH Cliza of Caldane
Ingo of Canyon Crest
CH Tonia of Ruhaven
Sally of Guilerdane
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
W311422; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dollymount's Balthazar
W97480; Fawn
Am CH Faecarl's Brendo
Dollymount's Heidi
Gillean's Lass of Gariloch
W160447; Brindle
Am CH An Gleann Planetree-Targe
Am CH Candace of Taneric
Kalmar's Duchess II
CH Alvavere Allan
W134256; Brindle
Kyro Ajax
Daffin of Dudhope
Shuba of Lumber Corp
Am CH Gilbert's Thor of Kalmar
Genova of Kalmar
Ledezan's Rozlyn of Ra's Kelly
Am CH Ra's Kelly of Tiger-Jim
(M) 12/18/1956
W867791; Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
(M) 12/23/1954
W570602; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Lord Jim
(M) 02/09/1948
W91754; Brindle
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
A401711; Fawn
Am CH Duke of Roxdane
Am CH Heide of Brae Tarn
CH Winged Victory
A955029; Brindle
Am CH Gilbert's Thor II
CH Carliss Lady Lu
Am CH Heidere's Theda Bara
W366633; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aelric
(M) 03/19/1948
W130995; Fawn
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
Cathy of Danecroft
Am CH Heidere's Alexi
(F) 05/06/1949
W160882; Fawn
Duke of Awosting
Blondie of Sunningdane
Truby's Tigeressa
; Fawn
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
W311422; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dollymount's Balthazar
W97480; Fawn
Am CH Faecarl's Brendo
Dollymount's Heidi
Gillean's Lass of Gariloch
W160447; Brindle
Am CH An Gleann Planetree-Targe
Am CH Candace of Taneric
Kalmar's Duchess III
; Fawn
CH Alvavere Allan
W134256; Brindle
Kyro Ajax
Daffin of Dudhope
Shuba of Lumber Corp
Am CH Gilbert's Thor of Kalmar
Genova of Kalmar
Gowindane's Prince Camille
; Fawn
Am CH Talbot's Mr Chips
(M) 12/01/1955
W793823; Fawn
Am CH Rocky of Guilerdane
W520422; Fawn
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
W311422; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dollymount's Balthazar
Gillean's Lass of Gariloch
Lady Hilda of Guilerdane
CH Damocles of Hazelcrest
CH Cliza of Caldane
Am CH Lil' of Guilerdane
Am CH Dane Eden's Samson
(M) 09/12/1946
W77254; Fawn
Am CH Faecarl's Brendo
Am CH Duchess of Zel-Thor
CH Cliza of Caldane
Ingo of Canyon Crest
CH Tonia of Ruhaven
Saki's Debutante
Saki of Gleneyre
Anadane's Heathen
Am CH Ladymeade Hyperion II
Am CH Christina's Var
Sesame of Gleneyre
Alphonse of Anderford
Christina's Norn
Butler's Bianca