Pedigree of:
Sexton Warrior Prince (M) 08/17/1996 WP72729104; COI: 9.31% |
Cherokee's Pretty Boy Petee (M) 03/12/1994 WP53833908; COI=2.84%
Sir Duke Lummus Skiba (M) 02/11/1992 WP40191901; COI=16.18%
Rowdy Morton (M) WG490134; Mantle
Son of A Buck |
Cherokee's Pocahontas |
Cherokee's BRN-Eyed Bandit (F) WG388305; Harlequin
Cherokee's HD Bandit Chief |
Gee-o-Gee Fuglee Dee-o-Gee |
Cherokee's Spark-Ee Bandit (F) 04/03/1993 WP47566403;
Cherokee's Sneak-Ee Pete Sj (M) WG486139;
Cherokee's Czarina Josette (F) 12/03/1990 WP32500301; Harlequin
Cherokee's Tejas Bandido |
Cherokee's Ebony Athena |
Cherokee's Crickhollow Quest (F) 07/31/1990 WG611767; COI=0.98%
Cherokee's HD Bandit Chief (M) 10/15/1988 WG326898; Harlequin COI=27.19%
Nostradamus' Spuds-ee (M) WG181272; Harlequin
Nostradamus |
Gee-o-Gee Fuglee Dee-o-Gee |
Cherokee's Pocahontas (F) WG181273; Harlequin
Nostradamus |
Gee-o-Gee Fuglee Dee-o-Gee |
Crickhollow Firiel Shamboo (F) 03/26/1988 WG125084; Harlequin COI=0.36%
Prancing Pony Crickhollow (M) WF910773; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Queststar Valdez of Sheboane |
Countess Rachel Rw Shanedane |
Crickhollow Elfhild (F) 04/11/1985 WF745278; Black
Crickhollow Amroth |
Diamond Took Crickhollow |