Pedigree of:
Rufflyn Red Cloud (M) 06/07/1976 (Q)361169; COI: 10.13% |
Aust Ch Yarrabrook Socrates (M) 03/09/1969 5V69; COI=10.63%
Aust Ch Artana Ace High (M) 11/06/1965 5V65; Brindle COI=5.35%
Aust Ch Moonsfield Flamudross of Billil (M) 04/29/1964 72205/64; Fawn
Eng Ch Todhunter of Moonsfield (M) 10/12/1958 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Telluson of Moonsfield |
Taral of Moonsfield |
Eng Ch Billil Tres Bon of Moonsfield (F) 07/30/1961 ;
Eng Ch Telluson of Moonsfield |
Tellona of Moonsfield |
Antola Caroline (F) 3-V-62; Brindle
Aust Ch Danestadt Gunther (M) ; Fawn
Aust Ch Gold of Ashthorpe |
Aust Ch Diamond of Ashthorpe |
Aust Ch Brindayne Astrid (F) 12/14/1959 5V59; Brindle
Aust Ch Gold of Ashthorpe |
Aust Ch Eumana Princess |
Yarrabrook Sellete (F) 03/07/1967 2-V-67; COI=8.44%
Aust Ch Danesfeld Hirst (M) 10/29/1962 4V62; Fawn
Aust Ch Danestadt Gregory (M) 06/08/1960 1V60; Fawn
Aust Ch Gold of Ashthorpe |
Aust Ch Diamond of Ashthorpe |
Aust Ch Danestadt Deuchen (F) 1171/59; Fawn
Aust Ch Gold of Ashthorpe |
Aust Ch Diamond of Ashthorpe |
Aust Ch Brindayne Estelle (F) 07/13/1964 2V64; Fawn
Aust Ch Dlandor Sultan (M) 811/59; Fawn
CH Boss |
Homeacres Ardent |
Aust Ch Brindayne Amber (F) 12/14/1959 5V59; Fawn
Aust Ch Gold of Ashthorpe |
Aust Ch Eumana Princess |
Rufflyn Helga Hassia (F) 02/21/1974 (Q)149017;
Aust Ch Collawey Bonzo (M) 12/19/1965 (N)98292; Brindle
Fury of Weydane (M) ;
Raatu Romona (F) ;
Artana Leonessa (F) 25-V-70; Fawn COI=23.87%
Aust Ch Danestadt Kim (M) 10/07/1967 11V67; Fawn
Aust Ch Artana Avenger (M) 11/06/1965 5V65; Brindle
Aust Ch Moonsfield Flamudross of Billil |
Antola Caroline |
Aust Ch Danestadt Garbo (F) 06/08/1960 1V60; Fawn
Aust Ch Gold of Ashthorpe |
Aust Ch Diamond of Ashthorpe |
Aust Ch Artana Ce Sera (F) 09/08/1967 10V67; Brindle
Aust Ch Moonsfield Flamudross of Billil (M) 04/29/1964 72205/64; Fawn
Eng Ch Todhunter of Moonsfield |
Eng Ch Billil Tres Bon of Moonsfield |
Antola Caroline (F) 3-V-62; Brindle
Aust Ch Danestadt Gunther |
Aust Ch Brindayne Astrid |