Am & Can Ch Amherst's Mylan
(M) 07/30/1983 WE498552; Harlequin COI=3.77%
Am & Can Ch Queststar Valdez of Sheboane
(M) 12/31/1981 WF248714; Harlequin COI=1.62%
Am & Can Ch Sheboane's Johnnie B Goode
(M) 04/15/1978 WE428402; Harlequin
Bonne's Adonis Von Sheboane
(M) ;
Am CH Vi-Dayne's Bandit of Devrok
Sheba III
Devrok's Windsong V Sheboane
(F) 09/23/1974 WD135708; Harlequin
Am CH Carrousel's the Solitaire
Devrok's Heller of the Bandit
Can Ch Morrison's Miss Behaving
(F) 03/13/1978 WD990808; Harlequin
Am CH Demdanes Klous V Hildydane
(M) 04/28/1971 WB899874; Harlequin
Apache Chief of Lynn Mar
Am CH Sophia of Hildydane
Glendale's Lady Catrina
(F) WD190856; Black / White
Riverwood Ranch Olaf
Glendale's Sammy
Riverwood's Reagan v Amherst
(F) 11/03/1981 WF089976; Harlequin COI=14.29%
Am CH Riverwood's Marko Polo
(M) 09/09/1976 WD733567; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Riverwood's Regal Siegfried
(M) 10/26/1971 WC157029; Harlequin
BMW Herr Regal Von Riverwood
Fraulein Flicka Von Riverwood
Lilli Marlene Von Riverwood
(F) 04/20/1973 WC571305; Harlequin
BMW Herr Regal Von Riverwood
Riverwood Ranch Bitte
Hansel's Tina v Riverwood
(F) 07/21/1978 WE173482; Harlequin
Riverwood's Der Stolze Hansel
(M) WD733199; Harlequin
De Silva Von Riverwood
Narjon Zaidee of Siegfried
Bandit's Heidi Von Riverwood
(F) 08/23/1972 WC681689; Harlequin
Kolyer's Bandit V Riverwood
Kasue's Riverwood Hanna
Phaedra's Breezy Von Jinx
(F) WF371568; Harlequin
Phaedra's Jinx V Baderdane
(M) WF079278; Harlequin COI=2.22%
Rocky's Lucky Dice V Zodiac
(M) WE614841;
Am CH T Danes Boss V Shanedane
(M) 01/16/1976 WD364830; Harlequin
Riverwood's Columbo
Jotunheim Holly CD
Am CH Zodiac's Zereh of Innesfree
(F) 07/27/1976 WD530602; Harlequin
Am CH Innesfrees BMW Oliver of Davra
Innesfrees Euridyce In Gaza
Sarah Lee Crumb of Baderdane
(F) ;
Justin's Quinn
(M) ;
Am & Can Ch Strawser's Justin
Sachel Livewire
Duchess of Dane II
(F) ;
Iaams New Image
(F) ;