Am GCh Pegasus Grabbin The Bull By The Horns V Tts
(M) 08/27/2012 WS42302801; Black COI=3.52%
Am CH Von Bruno's Night Shade
(M) 08/13/2009 WS31934601; Black COI=10.35%
Can Ch Von Bruno's Missing Linc
(M) 01/25/2006 WS16047601; Black
Von Bruno's Meet Joe Black
(M) 06/22/2004 WS09332901; Black
Am, Can & Int Ch Laurs Continental Style CGC
Von Bruno's Lavender N' Lace
Am CH Summit's Bailey V Bruno
(F) 09/05/2003 WS06804009; Fawn
Can Ch Joana's Sundance Kid
Am CH Krisda And Kennedys Abbey
Von Bruno's Izabella
(F) 10/09/2007 WS24002001; Black
Can Ch Ladoguerie Blackstrp Le Racontuer
(M) 04/04/2005 RE014563/00; Black
Am & Can Ch Sandale Wyne Talk The Talk Am ROM, Can ROM, HOF
Can Ch Aristodane Bise De LaDoguerie
Marbeck's Lil' Miss Elliemay
(F) 06/22/2004 WS09332904; Black
Am, Can & Int Ch Laurs Continental Style CGC
Von Bruno's Lavender N' Lace
Am & Int Ch Tts Pgs the Shadow Puppet V Darlin
(F) 04/24/2008 WS27576901; Fawn COI=4.43%
Am CH Lamar's Sun of Dreamaker
(M) 02/03/2004 WS09526104; Fawn
Am CH Dreamaker's Lone Ranger
(M) WR01275801; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseac's Squire of Rosha
Am CH Lagarada's Golden Dreamaker
Am CH Dreamaker KT's Name That Tune
(F) 01/11/2000 WP96056801; Fawn
Am CH Country Walk's End It With a Z
Am CH Dreamaker's Kattie By Caprata
Am CH Dar-Lins Creekside By Chance
(F) 02/19/2005 WS12298106; Fawn
Creksides Come Fly With Me
(M) 12/20/2003 WS07222603; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Owlwatch Heir Ways
Am CH Crekside-Bay Popsicle Toes
Crekside Dar-Lyns Itsybitsey
(F) 01/29/2002 WR06813607; Fawn
Am CH Crekside-Bay Set In Stone CGC
Crkside's Still of The Night
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Dirty Little Secret
(F) 07/25/2018 WS62027002; Fawn COI=3.16%
Am GCh Sand Dollar's Spring Break Fever - Just A Boy To
(M) 01/12/2012 WS39616604; COI=2.47%
Am CH Redland's Durey Xcess Baggage
(M) 12/02/1997 WP83146303; Fawn
Calico Rock's About Face
(M) 12/25/1992 WP46565201; Fawn
Am CH H-P Max Dreamweaver Wizard
Calico Rock's Ingenue
Krisha Pardane's Not So Holy
(F) 01/05/1994 WP52607306; Fawn
CH TD's Sir Lancelot
Am & Can Ch Krisha Pardane's Holy Mackrel CGC TT
Tribledanes It's Miss Allie To You
(F) 02/22/2008 WS25306608; Fawn
Fulcircle's A Porterhousesteak
(M) 04/22/2006 WS17320703; Fawn
Am CH Crekside-Deerrun Gunnery Sgt AOM
Am CH Echolane-Fulcircle Dream Girl
Shashonnee Just a Sugar Baby
(F) 09/18/2004 WS10284805; Fawn
Big Mac Justa Sugar Daddy
Miss Daizee Dukes
Am CH Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Brewed For Success
(F) 06/13/2013 WS44329204; Fawn COI=8.17%
Am CH Saul's Tequila Mockingbird ROM
(M) 09/13/2010 WS36387702; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Moredanes Rack 'Em & Stack 'Em
(M) 10/02/2006 WS20029201 / 1105395; Fawn
Am CH Kwik-Dane's You Got The Best of Me
Moredane's The Beat Go's On
Am & Can Ch Lagarada Sahara La Bolero AOM
(F) 03/25/2006 WS17304703; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Windy Hill's Gold Plated
Am & Int Ch Lagarada Sahara Desert Ryder
Am GCh Fendanesylcrests See You Later Allie-Gator
(F) 12/06/2010 WS36036101; Fawn
Fendanes She Loves Me She Loves Me Not V Jerdan
(M) 03/15/2009 WS30138401; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Honey Lane's Highlight
Am CH Kally Meja Absolute V Fendane
Am CH Shady Crk N Moon Rvrs Im N Uptown Girl
(F) 12/17/2006 WS20161109; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Sandyoaks Enduring Freedom
Shady Creeks Forever Yours