Pedigree of:
Graefin Heide von Coneygrey (F) 09/04/1979 WF443860; COI: 12.76% |
Asgard's Ragnar Bluebreeks (M) 05/05/1975 WD079038;
Am CH Pinebrooks Blue Magoo (M) WC094234; Blue
Boris von der Stadt Munchen (M) 11/25/1968 WB496406; Blue
Robinson aus dem Schwarzwald (M) ZB 50475; Blue
Blue Victor of Bedrule |
Fee aus dem Schwarzwald |
CH Doina Bruyant (F) 52731; Blue
Schari v d Eremitage |
Blue Bell v d Ermitage |
Kim's Misty Blue (F) WB559104; Blue
Duke of Haverford (M) WA968276; Black / White
Goliath of Lady Taress |
Lady Andora of Suffolk |
Velvet's Kim Kan (F) WA562727;
Heather Knightdotter (F) WC961091;
Asgard's Skadi (F) 06/09/1976 WD428210;
Saracen's Black Sentinel (M) WC381377; Black COI=4.47%
Bell-Nevis Ibn-Bru (M) WB859323; Black
Am CH Kalmar's Brutus Black Devil (M) 01/19/1965 WA666777; Black
Bell-Nevis Steamboater |
Kalmar's Hilde V Grunewald |
Bell-Nevis Luv V Serolod (F) WB527809; Black
Am CH Kalmar's Brutus Black Devil |
Bell-Nevis Tulsa V Serolod |
Valhalla's Frost of Diana Dane (F) ; Blue
Ter-Ron Blue Chip V Lindi-Dane (M) 06/21/1965 WA650556; Blue
Am CH Iroquois Blue Chief of Lynn-Mar |
Ter-Ron's Damnasty |
Am CH Valhalla's Kalmar Valkyrie (F) 01/23/1963 WA396951; Black
Kalmar Bolshoi's Rowdon |
Xanadu Artic Fawn CD |
Heather Knightdotter (F) WC961091;