Boarhunters Demon
(M) SF02748/87; COI=1.29%
Wlwruns Katrat of Schlehheck
(M) 08/16/1985 WF762207 / S41984/86; Blue COI=1.73%
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun
(M) 08/16/1982 WF433647; Black
Willowruns Spike
(M) 06/22/1980 WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977 WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
(F) WE358702; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
Impton Onieda
Willowruns Zena of Sharcon CD
(F) 07/13/1978 WS34602001; Black
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977 WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Sharcon's Imp of Willowrun
(F) WD132788; Black
Sharcon's Sundance Kid
Marma's Midnight Mistique
Ndl Ch Brigitte von der Schlehhecke
(F) 11/01/1981 VDH/DDC 82807; Blue
Elmar von Sankt Kilian
(M) VDH/DDC 74940; Blue
Ferri von der Blumenau
(M) VDH/DDC 63606; Black
Hato v Glashüttenweiher
Bärbel von der Blumenau
Luna von der Eremitage
(F) VDH/DDC 64558; Blue
Elias von der Eremitage
Blue-Bonnie von der Eremitage
Ypseline von Hochstein
(F) 09/26/1977 VDH/DDC 75006; Blue
Dutch Ch Iwan von Scharfgarten
(M) VDH/DDC 64135; Blue
Int Ch Daimond von der Immenburg
Gundi vom Schafgarten
Corinne v Schinnerhannes
(F) VDH/DDC 68087; Blue
Lux von der Landskrone
Annabella v d Eremitage
Grande Negros Claudia
(F) S42590/83; Blue COI=8.00%
Grandios Chandon
(M) S36299/79; Blue
Grande Negros Nicke
(M) 12/04/1971 S28449/72; Black
Black Hirakles Av Rose-Loge
(M) SF10377/70;
Grande Negros Carro
Fin Ch Blau Mona Lisa Av Ros-loge
Grande Negros Grandessa
(F) S22339/69; Black
Campfire of Doggline
(F) S42135/73; Blue
Ceasar .
(M) S13965/71; Black
Lyckodrömmens Plaisir D Amour
(F) S45691/72; Blue
Int & Nord Ch Lyckodrömmens Edo
Nord & Fin Ch Lyckodrömmens Fiametta
Grande Negros Athena
(F) S62625/81; Blue
Azurs Goo Man Goo
(M) 08/20/1978 S53213/78; Blue
Perasperaadastra Onyx
(M) 12/03/1975 S47843/76; Blue
Arco von der Materborner Schweiz
Danae Perasperaadastra
Int & Nor Ch Asta v d Fuchshalde
(F) SKKR5025/73; Blue
Int Ch Daimond von der Immenburg
Hummel von der Immenburg
Grande Negros Ran
(F) 02/05/1975 SKK 13665/75; Black
Grande Negros Nicke
(M) 12/04/1971 S28449/72; Black
Black Hirakles Av Rose-Loge
Grande Negros Grandessa
Grande Negros Quinna
(F) S40233/73; Black
Int Ch Lobos of Impton
Masnou Opalesque
(F) 12/23/1984 SF135377/85; Blue COI=3.71%
Masnou Isoocha
(M) 04/04/1979 KCD3482; Blue COI=11.77%
Masnou Vamedus
(M) 08/25/1973 138818/73; Black
Masnou Silvester
(M) KC69072/709; Blue
Masnou Sahib
(M) ; Blue
Tustin of Impton
Sarzec Solbina of Masnou
Sarzec Solbina of Masnou
(F) 05/28/1968 ; Blue
Sarzec Sea Chaser
Sarzec Solitaire
Masnou Vamandabella
(F) KC34870; Black
Boyson of Bringtonhill
(M) 05/04/1962 ; Blue
Black Boy of Bringtonhill
Black Imp of Bringtonhill
Zarlinda Venus
(F) 03/17/1968 ; Black
Sarzec Blue Victor
Sarzec Valencia
Isobella of Masnou
(F) KC09474;
Masnou Vanguard
(M) 131352/70; Blue
Boyson of Bringtonhill
(M) 05/04/1962 ; Blue
Black Boy of Bringtonhill
Black Imp of Bringtonhill
Zarlinda Venus
(F) 03/17/1968 ; Black
Sarzec Blue Victor
Sarzec Valencia
Madera of Impton
(F) KC88671;
Impton Pacific of Maradane
(M) 85628/70; Blue
Am CH Glen-Glo's Bucephalus
Am & Mex Ch Cacique Urimare of Maradane
Menina of Merrowlea
(F) 05/13/1967 ; Blue
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Chandowne Opal of Masnou
(F) KCH3519; Black COI=12.70%
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
(M) 04/25/1969 11BH; Black
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
(M) 11/26/1967 S22500/68; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Harmony Hill Riff Song
(M) 04/21/1964 WA474118; Fawn
Am, Can & Bda Ch Harmony Hill Fortissimo
Peanut Candy Of Marydane
Harmony Hill X-Mas Eve
(F) WA755142; Brindle
Am CH Kolyer's Kissin' Kurt
Am CH Harmony Hill Katy V White Oaks
Nordic & Int Ch Chan-Sonette of Doggline
(F) S02243/66; Black
Sivord's Cox
(M) 01/01/1965 S28030/65; Black
Airways Escort
Sivord's Aja
Västsjö Ritzie
(F) S27030/64; Black
Västsjö Fair Lady
Impton Iowa
(F) ; Blue
Impton Cheyenne
(M) 09/15/1973 ; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
(M) 04/25/1969 11BH; Black
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
Nordic & Int Ch Chan-Sonette of Doggline
Menina of Merrowlea
(F) 05/13/1967 ; Blue
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Leblon Blue Farah of Impton
(F) 88519/75; Blue
Obispo of Impton
(M) 12/18/1970 ; Blue
Impton Pacific of Maradane
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Blue Sheba of Leblon
(F) ; Blue
Zariba of Beechfields
Hecate of Index