Seabright Quick Silver
(M) 04/17/1979 05562-1979; Blue COI=7.56%
NZ Ch Gamelin Galaxy
(M) 08/27/1977 20914/1977; Blue COI=12.18%
Beechfields Uncle Tom
(M) ; Black
Impton Iroquois
Zaria of Beechfields
Impton Topango of Gamelin
(F) 08/14/1974 ; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
Impton Anna
Alquist Bella Cheleste
(F) 07/04/1975 8416/1975; Blue COI=11.27%
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
(M) 07/08/1970 1974/8247; Blue
Sarzec Sea Lord
Sarzec Sea Shell
Alquist Black Bavanti
(F) 09/30/1973 1973/12406; Black
Masnou Lord Samquill
Bonifleur of Rathgael
Solario Bluestone
(F) 02649-1981; Blue COI=4.69%
NZ Ch Gamelin's Globetrotter
(M) 20887/1977; Black COI=8.72%
Beechfields Uncle Tom
(M) ; Black
Impton Iroquois
Zaria of Beechfields
Lymelegh Blue Belle of Gamelin
(F) ; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
Zinnia of Beechfields
Solario Silvia
(F) 02878-1975; Black COI=15.64%
Alquist Von Basra
(M) 09/30/1973 1973/12404; Black
Masnou Lord Samquill
Bonifleur of Rathgael
Elatior Jutta Belle CDX
(F) ; Black
Briareus of Rathgael
Deanne of Meadowgold