Cheshire's Designed V Valinor
(M) S29627/2003; Black COI=6.15%
Am & Can Ch Cheshire's Tailor Made V Longo
(M) 12/02/1997 WP82395101; Black COI=2.39%
Am CH Longo's More Than a Chance
(M) 08/14/1994 WP58023105; Black
BISS Ch Longo's Celebri't'of Penedane
(M) 07/23/1991 WP37537002; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Primo D'Aquino
(M) 07/19/1985 WF758557; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Chief Joseph
Am CH Aquino's Oso Perla Negra
Am CH Penedanes Natorious Lady
(F) 02/26/1986 WF853612; Fawn
BIS BISS Am Ch Sheenwater Gamble on Me HOF ROM
Am CH Saltwater's Doubloon
BIS BISS Ch Longo's Sweetalk v Michaeldane AOM NS HOF
(F) WP30930401; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Primo D'Aquino
(M) 07/19/1985 WF758557; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Chief Joseph
Am CH Aquino's Oso Perla Negra
Mikaldane's Put'n on The Ritz
(F) 02/21/1986 WF826013; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Kodiak
Michaeldane's Dream Girl
Am CH RRB's Winning Colors
(F) 02/07/1994 WP53870206; Black
Am CH Belyza's Apollon
(M) 05/23/1987 WG316102; Black
Am CH Reann's Noble Spirit
(M) WF609573; Black
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
Sterling Silouhete of Reanns
Ladoguerie Illicite Belle CD
(F) ; Black
Am CH Liberty's Captain Callisto
Can Ch Javeline de la Doguerie
Reann's One Moment In Time
(F) 07/04/1991 WP36051406; Black
Am CH Reann's Joe Cool CDX
(M) 04/25/1987 WG021413; Black
Am & Can Ch Reann's Rated R
Sterling Silouhete of Reanns
Sounda's Dark Mystery V Reann
(F) 12/15/1987 WG113388; Black
Am CH Reann's Dark Side of Sounda
Diana-Link's Visa V Sounda
Am CH Warwick's Valinor Flair
(F) 05/29/1996 WP70634407; Black COI=0.66%
Am, Mex & Int Ch Verlin Caprata's Troubadour CD CGC
(M) 10/18/1992 WP45339103; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Primo D'Aquino
(M) 07/19/1985 WF758557; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Chief Joseph
(M) 09/01/1980 WE827382; Black
Am CH Shadowbrook's Bask
Longo's Foxxy Lady
Am CH Aquino's Oso Perla Negra
(F) WF479369; Black
Am & Mex Ch Aquino's Oso Negro
Sarah Maegan Blue
Am CH Verlin's Princess of Power
(F) WG094622; Black
Am CH Winhurst Joshua J Justice
(M) 06/12/1982 WF352337; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Chief Joseph
CH Winhurst Trace of Farah
Verlin's Dory Genes By Dorev
(F) ;
Caprata Verlin's Blackmail
Verlin's Domadoma of Juron
Am CH Warwick's Working Without A Net
(F) 06/24/1993 WP50732303; Black
(M) 04/10/1991 WP38203401; Black with White
Michaeldane N'Co Jus Havin Fun
(M) 11/29/1988 WG265868; Black
Am CH Mikaldane's Master Charge
Michaeldane's Cher-D-Lite
(F) 03/20/1987 WG041153;
Am CH Darce's Shaka of Champlain
Diana-N-Link Dagon Cher-D-Lite
Am CH Kaidane Warwicks Alligaeta
(F) 05/12/1987 WF999236;
BIS BISS Am Ch Sheenwater Gamble on Me HOF ROM
(M) 02/21/1983 WF381346; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
Am CH Stone River's Delta Dawn
Am CH Kai-Dane's Lina B. Lovett
(F) 11/15/1981 WF115534; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
Coriander Annie Lovett
Galanthus Velvet Eyes
() N03421/01; Black COI=3.46%
Galanthus on My Mind
(M) N16107/95; Black COI=4.84%
Great Velvet's Blue Apollo
(M) N00968/93;
Blue Grands Dionysios
(M) 12/18/1985 SKK 14579/86; Blue
Wrangler v 't Buitengebeuren
(M) NHSB 1328472; Blue
Elmar von Sankt Kilian
Graciela v't Buitengebeuren
Impton Anasazi
(F) 09/10/1981 S38668/82; Blue
Gaylord v. t. Buitengebeuren of Impton
UK Ch Czarina v t Buitenburgen of Impton
Galanthus Femme Fatale
(F) N16588/89;
Boarhunters Einstein
(M) DK06422/90; Blue
Wlwruns Katrat of Schlehheck
Boarhunters Apollone
Alexandra Black Fashination
(F) 11/16/1983 N06961/84; Black
Grande Negros Zerberus
Galanthus Keen Black Velvet
(F) N22421/92;
Celeber's Quiproquo
(M) 03/12/1988 S22955/88; Black
Bester vom Kühlen Grunde
(M) 10/30/1985 S55110/86; Black
Akbar von der Lessingstadt
Alaska vom Kühlen Grunde
Celeber's Magic Mixie
(F) 10/01/1982 SKK 55249/82; Black
Kimbo Zum Goldenen Stein
Celeber's Jo-Jo
Galanthus Chanel Exquisit
(F) N13963/88;
Galanthus Black Satin
(M) N30870/86;
Grande Negros Claudius
Alexandra Black Fashination
Grande Negros Fione
(F) S64462/84; Blue
Grande Negros Zerberus
Grande Negros Afrodite
Galanthus Quite A Choice
(F) N01438/98; Black COI=1.27%
Hotpoints Welcome Mr. Blue
(M) ; Blue
Nord Ch Sirblu Jamie of Blubak
(M) 08/27/1993 WP50270102 / DK05458/94; Blue
Am & Mex Ch Sajcs SGT Will B Blu V Rocon
(M) 11/11/1987 WG065209; Blue
Am, Can & Mex Ch Willowruns Blu Max V Bell's
Am & Mex Ch Taresas Final Conquest
Sirblu Coleridge Carol LMBRD
(F) 11/04/1989 WG468863; Blue
Am CH Haltmeier Uno's American Made
Am CH Pacific's Garbo V Coleridge
Vanmore Bloomin Lovely
(F) N37806/92; Blue
Berevale Wilhelm
(M) 08/05/1988 1864BZ; Blue
Berevale Perseus
Endorma miss Cotterill at Berevale
Vanmore Madison Girl
(F) 08/15/1986 5398504L03; Blue
Enrico vom Drawehner Wald of Asoud
Foaldown Fanfare
Galanthus Joytime Is Indeed Hot
(F) ; Black
Hotpoints Yes Indeed
(M) N07972/89; Fawn
Nor Ch Hotpoints Key Note
(M) 04/05/1982 N07760/82; Fawn
Helmlake Pink Floyd
Int & Nor Ch Hotpoints Be My Joy
Nord U Ch Lastrada's Karamell
(F) S48579/86; Fawn
Int, Swd & Fin Ch Chanels Excalibur of Airways
Nor Ch Lastrada's Feliccia
Galanthus Dark Daintiness
(F) ; Black
Wlwruns Katrat of Schlehheck
(M) 08/16/1985 WF762207 / S41984/86; Blue
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun
Ndl Ch Brigitte von der Schlehhecke
Alexandra Black Fashination
(F) 11/16/1983 N06961/84; Black
Grande Negros Zerberus