River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Garsak Mary Quant at Equleus
(F) 08/16/2020
; Fawn
COI: 5.63%
Ganteus Sir Gabriel Garsak
(M) 12/01/2017
SE55504/2017; Fawn
Liberline's As I Expected
NO41797/13; Fawn
Blaaholms Loke
DK03458/2010; Fawn
Finlandia's Odysefs
Maxidan's Jump The Queue
Highesteem Queen V Liberline
22494/08; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Lagarada's Aspen Gold ROM HOF

Highesteem I'll Show You
Swd Ch Ganteus Sally Superiore Il Decimo
SE48791/2013; Fawn
Divine Acres C'mon Sir Alfa
Bis Biss Am Ch Elan's Command Decision Reimroc

Divine Acres Peek A Boo Girl
Maxidan's Qualiti di Prima
SE51808/2010; Brindle
Highesteem Keep' Em Talking
Dk Ch Maxidan's Jazzy Belle
Diplomatic Valaria Cavalli
Swd Ch Diplomatic's Jason Bourne
(M) 02/13/2012
SE22598/2012; Fawn
Diplomatic's Xcalibur Guy
(M) 09/17/2007
S64936/2007; Fawn
Meadowood's Delight of Life
Diplomatic's Celine Dion
Diplomatic's Uma Thurman
(F) 01/17/2007
S17394/2007; Fawn
Diplomatic's Will Durante
Diplomatic's Ursula Andress
Diplomatic's Lynn Cambell
(F) 01/22/2015
SE24845/2015; Fawn
Grand Krøyer's Elijah Hill
Diplomatic's Nicolas Cage
Grand Krøyer's Brown Cow Hill
Diplomatic's Dominique Sanda
Diplomatic's Umberto Tozzi-F
Diplomatic's Dizzy Mizz Lizzy