Pedigree of:
Famous Amos Moses (M) 04/14/1997 WP77949921; Black COI: 6.65% |
Rocky Bold Bandit (M) 04/16/1994 WP54550306; Harlequin COI=6.65%
Leslie's Only Harley (M) 07/10/1990 WG523555; Harlequin
Cherokee's HD Bandit Chief (M) 10/15/1988 WG326898; Harlequin
Nostradamus' Spuds-ee (M) WG181272; Harlequin
Nostradamus (M) 05/26/1985 WF932793; Harlequin
Zodiac's Trebor |
Zodiac's Sarangehty |
Gee-o-Gee Fuglee Dee-o-Gee (F) WF935903; Harlequin
Bee-i-Gee Dee-o-Gee |
Ivory Jet Set |
Cherokee's Pocahontas (F) WG181273; Harlequin
Nostradamus (M) 05/26/1985 WF932793; Harlequin
Zodiac's Trebor |
Zodiac's Sarangehty |
Gee-o-Gee Fuglee Dee-o-Gee (F) WF935903; Harlequin
Bee-i-Gee Dee-o-Gee |
Ivory Jet Set |
Schotzie of Lee Fair (F) WF535494; Harlequin
BLK Warrior of Von Godwin Fair (M) WE352169; Black & White
Lord Kelo of Von Godwins Fair (M) WD713822; Black / White
Williamson's Dallas (F) WE075032; Merlequin
Moon Shadow of Von Godwinfair (F) WE224621; Harlequin
Bisquit (M) WC591325; Merle
Annieo's Dandy Duke |
Duchess Kathrin of Cal-Tex |
Diablos Eve (F) WC816729; Merle / White
Bold And Beautiful Bandit (F) 02/10/1992 WP41198302; Harlequin COI=0.51%
Braewynd Von Erick Lobo (M) WG018101; Harlequin
Braewynd Imminent Domain (M) 04/02/1985 WF826101; Black / White
Sir Arthur Wayne Stanko (M) 01/24/1983 WE358756;
Crickhollow Adunakhor |
Molly Riese Haus Hund Hamm |
Miss Nanie of Cader Mist (F) 04/28/1983 WF536538;
Ecko Cedar Mists Dream |
Imperal Pele of Cedarmist |
Adelard Took's Sadie (F) WF671165; Merle
Crickhollow Adelard Took (M) WE392937; Harlequin
Shas-Dane's Great Gatsby |
Crickhollow Estella |
Crickhollow Daisy Boffin (F) ;
Dixie Dane's Dixie Melody (F) WF859674; Harlequin
Aspendanes Jesse James (M) WE523005; Harlequin
Rvrwds Great Waldo Pepper (M) WD979918; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Riverwood's Regal Siegfried |
Nadia C Von Riverwood |
Tri-k's Ms Chevious Gypsy (F) WC710294; Harlequin
Casanova V Meistersinger |
Princess Anna von Blauboam |
Schotzie of Lee Fair (F) WF535494; Harlequin
BLK Warrior of Von Godwin Fair (M) WE352169; Black & White
Lord Kelo of Von Godwins Fair |
Williamson's Dallas |
Moon Shadow of Von Godwinfair (F) WE224621; Harlequin
Bisquit |
Diablos Eve |
L L Dutchess (F) 01/01/1995 WP59732409; Harlequin COI=3.28%
Crickhollow Troll (M) WG554252; Harlequin COI=0.98%
Cherokee's HD Bandit Chief (M) 10/15/1988 WG326898; Harlequin
Nostradamus' Spuds-ee (M) WG181272; Harlequin
Nostradamus (M) 05/26/1985 WF932793; Harlequin
Zodiac's Trebor |
Zodiac's Sarangehty |
Gee-o-Gee Fuglee Dee-o-Gee (F) WF935903; Harlequin
Bee-i-Gee Dee-o-Gee |
Ivory Jet Set |
Cherokee's Pocahontas (F) WG181273; Harlequin
Nostradamus (M) 05/26/1985 WF932793; Harlequin
Zodiac's Trebor |
Zodiac's Sarangehty |
Gee-o-Gee Fuglee Dee-o-Gee (F) WF935903; Harlequin
Bee-i-Gee Dee-o-Gee |
Ivory Jet Set |
Crickhollow Firiel Shamboo (F) 03/26/1988 WG125084; Harlequin
Prancing Pony Crickhollow (M) WF910773; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Queststar Valdez of Sheboane (M) 12/31/1981 WF248714; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Sheboane's Johnnie B Goode |
Can Ch Morrison's Miss Behaving |
Countess Rachel Rw Shanedane (F) WF656468; Harlequin
Admiral Biffer v Shanedane |
Belltowers Dizzy Dezzy |
Crickhollow Elfhild (F) 04/11/1985 WF745278; Black
Crickhollow Amroth (M) WF525544; Harlequin
Crickhollow Aldamir |
Crickhollow Chica Baggins |
Diamond Took Crickhollow (F) WF402559; Black with White
Sir Saturninus del Danico |
Maple of Hartagold |
Cason's Blue Lady (F) WG549732; Merle
Boss Country Gentleman (M) WG187126; Harlequin
Prancing Pony Crickhollow (M) WF910773; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Queststar Valdez of Sheboane (M) 12/31/1981 WF248714; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Sheboane's Johnnie B Goode |
Can Ch Morrison's Miss Behaving |
Countess Rachel Rw Shanedane (F) WF656468; Harlequin
Admiral Biffer v Shanedane |
Belltowers Dizzy Dezzy |
Schotzie of Lee Fair (F) WF535494; Harlequin
BLK Warrior of Von Godwin Fair (M) WE352169; Black & White
Lord Kelo of Von Godwins Fair |
Williamson's Dallas |
Moon Shadow of Von Godwinfair (F) WE224621; Harlequin
Bisquit |
Diablos Eve |
Gerardo's Misty Blue (F) 10/31/1987 WG104312; Harlequin
Dohasan (M) WF308815; Black
Mi-Vi Sir Raleigh (M) WE474751; Brindle
Brandy Renee (F) WF030060; Liver & white
Duchess of Wyoming (F) WE841492; Harlequin
Samson Sir Holycross (M) WE691224; Black
Dehlila Lady Majestic (F) WE691223; Harlequin