Int, Swd & Fin Ch Chanels Excalibur of Airways
(M) 09/24/1984 WF701090 / S52782/85; Brindle COI=10.57%
Am CH Coriander's Buccaneer CD
(M) WE900073; Brindle COI=11.55%
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978 WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
Harmony Hill I Lovett
(F) 05/16/1976 WD426354; Brindle
Am CH Harmony Hill Midas of Delphi
Am CH Corina of Ju-Wil's Dane
Ven-Elger Kyme
(F) WE833355; Fawn COI=37.37%
Am CH Regal Corbett
(M) 05/30/1976 WD392947; Fawn
Murlo Ahab
Am & Can Ch Murlo Jezabell
Murlo Ms V of Ven-Elger
(F) 01/19/1973 WC630458; Fawn
Am CH Murlo Oliver
Murlo Erika
Swd Ch Diplomatic's Beauty Scandal
(F) 03/22/1986 S29021/86; Fawn COI=8.89%
Reann's Marcus Sebastian
(M) WF616238 / S55764/85; Fawn COI=36.06%
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978 WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
Reann's Just One N Only
(F) WF168287; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
Reann's Bronze Godess
Swd Ch Alana
(F) S64446/81; Fawn COI=14.27%
Lastrada's Frere-Gilbert
(M) S38655/80;
Swd & Nor Ch Airways Viggo Star
Swd & Fin Ch Lastrada's Barabelle
Doggenhain's Darina
(F) 10/04/1979 S69011/79; Fawn
Swd & Fin Ch Gerjos Shilo of Airways
Int & Nor Ch Doggenhain's Arina