River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Docart's Ace High
(M) 12/25/1969
COI: 12.08%
Doc Art's Me and My Shadow
(M) 10/21/1968
; Blue
Am CH Jocopa's Blu Nearli Ned

(M) 03/13/1966
WA740876; Blue
Am CH Iroquois Blue Chief of Lynn-Mar

(M) 07/17/1963
WA457377; Blue
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald

CH Edda vom Himmelsfürst
Am CH Silver Mountain Misty
WA436527; Blue
Starlaw Squire
Rungmook Rupee
Am CH Sloane's Gypsy of Iroquois
WA584496; Blue
Am CH Iroquois Blue Chief of Lynn-Mar

(M) 07/17/1963
WA457377; Blue
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald

CH Edda vom Himmelsfürst
Kalmar's True Blue
WA488775; Blue
Am CH Kalmar's Bolshoi
Kalmar's Hilde V Grunewald
Hornung's Blue Georgia Sue
; Blue
Kalmar's Big Boy Blue
WA734105; Black
Sloane's Renata of Iroquois
WA699296; Blue
Am CH Iroquois Blue Chief of Lynn-Mar

(M) 07/17/1963
WA457377; Blue
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald

CH Edda vom Himmelsfürst
Kalmar's True Blue
WA488775; Blue
Am CH Kalmar's Bolshoi
Kalmar's Hilde V Grunewald