Pedigree of:
Dante Hayes Baby Blue Thunder (M) WS14587108; |
Duke Otis Dane Hayes (M) 09/19/2001 WR04478803; Blue / White
Diamond Danes Blue Zeus (M) 09/20/1996 WP73558204; Blue
Hope's King Asa Blue Wise (M) 07/30/1993 WP50229104; Blue
Max's My Top Trump V Auerdane (M) WG450150;
Sheiba Girl (F) WP24608701;
Hope's Holly Blue Lake (F) 08/06/1994 WP56894813; Blue
Hercules Jake Thoma (M) WP33084711;
Hope's Bonny Blue Brook (F) WP38572501;
Princess Patches Hayes (F) 06/06/1997 WP78274203; Harlequin COI=0.03%
King Tommy Roberts (M) 03/14/1996 WP68895210;
Country Wings King Waldo Jko (M) 10/05/1994 WP58671101;
Jako's Bonsai of the Wizard (M) WP37643006;
Jako's Wizard Blaze |
Jako's Dewa Little Bit Mor |
Donna (F) #Unreg;
Troll-Puschel |
Norma-Puschel |
Jeopardys Miss Jessy (F) 05/20/1993 WP48706710; Black
Michaeldane Trouble Free N'Co (M) 05/28/1990 WP30993401;
Am CH Michaeldane Diana-Link Dagon |
Mikaldane's Cher-D-Lite Can-B E-Z |
Princess Aurora of Bleyaert (F) 08/03/1989 WG349871; Black
Queen Nala Roberts (F) 03/25/1996 WP70044111;
Country Emperor on Wings Jko (M) 12/17/1993 WP53067201;
Thor V Meistersinger (M) 12/02/1992 WP45721706;
Top Hat V Meistersinger |
Beatrice Victoria Dimanche |
Jills Gassemer Wings (F) WP28849701; Black with White
Nancy's My Man Finally |
Donnadanes Caliope |
Lady Casey Von Bittenfeld (F) 07/03/1990 WG521659;
Am & Can Ch Arndale's Haviland (M) 07/04/1986 WF866711; Harlequin
Am CH Z-dane's Rollin Roc Ramblin Man |
Am CH Sheboane Shiva |
Phaedra's Ivory (F) 10/17/1986 WF904626; Harlequin
GMJ's The Phaedra's Adonis |
GMJ's The Uptown Nany Phaedra |
Mohawks Baby Blue (F) 04/06/2003 WS03564306; Blue