Am CH Hauer's Pln Pocket Genes V Rika
(M) 06/25/1985 WF753812; COI=9.74%
BISS BIS Am Ch Aquino's Little Dooz Coupe SDS
(M) WF317059; Fawn COI=5.34%
Am CH Brier's Deusenberg V Hauer
Am CH Aquino's Mischevious of Tycho
Am CH Rika's Plain Jane v Hauer ROM
(F) WF462539; Fawn COI=5.40%
BISS Am Ch Hauerdane's War Bonnet
Am CH Kingswood Phoebe Snow
Allendanes Home Spun Gold
(F) 08/09/1984 WF621568; Fawn COI=7.11%
Am CH Marstondanes Winston
(M) WE743781; Fawn COI=10.69%
Am CH Yoredane's Mr. President
Marstondanes Lareca
Dak's Holly of Braeside
(F) WDS938762; Fawn COI=15.66%
Am CH Torry of Braeside
Blazing Glory Von Waldheim