BISS Am Ch Davishire's Beowulf of Chalk Hill
(M) 04/10/2006 WS17283902; Mantle COI=0.22%
Am CH BMW Architect of Jericho
(M) 06/04/1995 WP63481203; Harlequin COI=19.60%
BMW Snow Flurry
BMW Opium
Ghia D'Shire von der Ofnethöhle
(F) 06/01/2003 WS06353201; Mantle COI=7.88%
Akari Claudia Bohemica
Roxette von der Ofnethöhle
Am CH Davishire's Rock Candy
(F) 08/25/2005 WS14422701; Harlequin COI=15.52%
Am CH GMJ's The Northtown Rock
(M) 08/31/1996 WP72538703; Harlequin COI=35.48%
Am CH GMJ's The General D'Kota
Am CH GMJ's The Jezebelle
BISS/Int BIS Am Ch Davishire's Impetuous A'La Aj ROM
(F) 04/09/2002 WR06628001; Harlequin COI=14.69%
Am CH BMW Architect of Jericho
Am & Int Ch Express D'Shire's Lady N Wait'n