Dd's Carbon Copy Merlin Blue
(M) 10/02/1995 WP66074206; Blue COI=5.94%
Goughs Merlin Blue Magic
(M) 05/10/1992 WP41864401; Blue
Sir Jack Daniels VI
(M) 03/24/1989 WP23763702; Black / White
Kardell's Sole Survivor
(M) WF842081; Black
El Lobo Negro
(M) 07/22/1983 WF506091; Black
CH Kardell's Touch of Serenity
(F) WE844286;
Sir Maximillian Kardell
(M) ;
Black Crystal of Kardell
(F) 01/28/1979 WE660862; Black
Cin-Lyn's Genesis
(F) 11/03/1984 WF626451; Blue
Great Noble Black Kato
(M) 07/07/1981 WF001649; Black
Sal-Ron's-Blue Velvet
(F) 06/04/1981 WF446845;
Macy's Shadow Gate
(F) 02/16/1991 WP33324207; Black
Dun Roamin Lyme House Blues
(M) WG053794; Blue
Am CH Sterling's Bachelor Buttons
(M) WF385716; Blue
Nieldane's Mr. Midnite
(M) NJ265248; Black
Am CH Sundown's Midnite Moonshadow
(M) 06/14/1977 WD908535; Black
Diamonds Ultra Omen
Sundown's Queen of Sheba
Can Ch Bondane's Azure of Nieldane
(F) WD082352; Blue
Am CH Vulcan's Rondo of Arrowhead CD
Erik's Schoen Blau of Riverwood
Am CH Sterling's Blue Lupine
(F) WD506987; Blue
Rissone's Super Blu v Iroquois
(M) 10/14/1972 WC511483; Blue
Starfire Vida Blu V Riverwood
Connaught's Iroquois Jemmy
Druid's Scilla vom Abendstern
(F) 02/14/1970 WB870746; Blue
Vulcan's Ajax vom Abendstern
Pasha's Blu Baazen
Dun Roamin Sugar Tahji
(F) WF841164; Black / White
Willowruns Spike
(M) 06/22/1980 WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977 WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
(F) WE358702; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
Impton Onieda
Willowrun's Black Maji
(F) 01/10/1982 WF220591; Black
Diplomat v 't Buitengebeuren
(M) 09/19/1977 WD955551;
The Old Favorite Apache
Perriwinkle of Oakhatch
Jndns Cynda of Willowrun
(F) 05/19/1978 WE800283;
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
Bondane's Kelly Brandy
Kennedys Alexis Alica Macy's
(F) 12/22/1986 WF970548; Black
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun
(M) 08/16/1982 WF433647; Black
Willowruns Spike
(M) 06/22/1980 WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977 WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
(F) WE358702; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
Impton Onieda
Willowruns Zena of Sharcon CD
(F) 07/13/1978 WS34602001; Black
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977 WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Sharcon's Imp of Willowrun
(F) WD132788; Black
Sharcon's Sundance Kid
Marma's Midnight Mistique
Verlin's Crystal v sapphire
(F) WF579270; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Uno King V Hearts
(M) 02/14/1981 WE98236; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
(M) 11/24/1975 WD365792; Black
Am CH Wildwind Crash Corrigan
Mex Ch Doria von Wildwind
Am CH Azurs Elbina
(F) 06/05/1976 WD533800; Blue
Int & Nor Ch Azurs Dante
Int & Nor Ch Asta v d Fuchshalde
Black Marmaduke
(F) 09/12/1980 WE679285; Black
Deener's Black Maximilian
(M) 03/24/1978 WE238433;
Wanak's Blue Shamu
Wanak's Black Duchess
Chambers Black Ebony
(F) 09/14/1977 WE614961;
El Diablo del Robinson II
Lady Key of West Germany
Victorys Sweet Gatekeeper
(F) 11/16/1993 WP51771206; Blue COI=19.92%
Victorys Countryrun V Wlwrn
(M) 02/23/1992 WP41867706; Blue
Countryrun Montague Wil-Lox
(M) 10/03/1990 WP32074707; Black
Royal Grande W'Run V Letoami's HM
(M) 10/07/1988 WG355306; Black / White
Int. Ndl & Bel Ch Masterpiece von der Lifthrasir
(M) 10/08/1987 NHSB 1557660; Black
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun
(M) 08/16/1982 WF433647; Black
Willowruns Spike
Willowruns Zena of Sharcon CD
Outside Happening of W'run
(F) 08/01/1980 WE754564 / NHSB 1150764; Blue
Diplomat v 't Buitengebeuren
Willowrun's Caramia
Hollywood V't Buitengebeuren
(F) NHSB 1524 484; Black
Saphir du Val de l'Amitie
(M) 27822/3882; Black
Natchez du Val de l'Amitie
Olivia du Val de l'Amitie
Xilla v't Buitengebeuren
(F) ;
Saphir du Val de l'Amitie
Fleur v't Buitengebeuren
Am CH Loxley-Wilrn's Tinsel Town
(F) 11/19/1986 WG043685; Blue
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun
(M) 08/16/1982 WF433647; Black
Willowruns Spike
(M) 06/22/1980 WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
Willowruns Zena of Sharcon CD
(F) 07/13/1978 WS34602001; Black
Willowrun's Candidate
Sharcon's Imp of Willowrun
Miller's V Loxley's Wise Ash
(F) WF234510;
Lucas Xaivier Magee
(M) WE678532;
Miller's Great Black Dynamo
Kolyer's Black Lily
Millers Sweet Victoria
(F) WF019913;
Am CH Sundown's Midnite Moonshadow
Miller's Special Dot of Inga
Katie My Lady v Willowrun
(F) 06/02/1989 WG524359; Black
Willowrun's Beauregard
(M) 04/01/1986 WF840193; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977 WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
(M) 05/01/1975 WD189523; Black
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
(F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
Cassandra's Hera
(F) 11/18/1983 WF803502; Blue
Enzi van het Vascohome
(M) LOSH 44678;
Nemo du Val de l'Amitie
Elfe von Trabersruh
CH Lorenzo's Bles
(F) LOSH397242;
Yaky vom Offenstadt
Viva du Domaine de la Ferte
Willowruns Remona Taylor
(F) 04/21/1985 WF734525; Blue
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun
(M) 08/16/1982 WF433647; Black
Willowruns Spike
(M) 06/22/1980 WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
Willowruns Zena of Sharcon CD
(F) 07/13/1978 WS34602001; Black
Willowrun's Candidate
Sharcon's Imp of Willowrun
Willowruns Cleopatra of Dem
(F) 10/15/1980 WF055990; Blue
The Old Favorite Castor
(M) NHSB 738789; Blue
CH The Old Favorite Blanka
The Old Favorite Alwina
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
(F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
Thrill of Victory V Wlwrn
(F) 02/19/1989 WG318041; Black
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun
(M) 08/16/1982 WF433647; Black
Willowruns Spike
(M) 06/22/1980 WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977 WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
(M) 05/01/1975 WD189523; Black
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
(F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
(F) WE358702; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
(M) 11/25/1972 ; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Sierra of Impton
Impton Onieda
(F) NHSB 822563;
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Menina of Merrowlea
Willowruns Zena of Sharcon CD
(F) 07/13/1978 WS34602001; Black
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977 WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
(M) 05/01/1975 WD189523; Black
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
(F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
Sharcon's Imp of Willowrun
(F) WD132788; Black
Sharcon's Sundance Kid
(M) 05/31/1972 WC218533; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
Am CH Dehoniesto's Konigin Nikki
Marma's Midnight Mistique
(F) ;
Am CH Sama's Midnight Sinner
Marma Duchess Dawn
Willowrun's Blue Cassandra
(F) 04/01/1986 WF828815; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977 WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
(M) 05/01/1975 WD189523; Black
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
(M) 06/12/1971 WC106262; Black
Am CH Ravon's Ruwenzori Rye CDX
Ross' Blue Shadows of Dawn CD
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
(F) 07/05/1970 WC216946; Blue
Am CH Zoro aus dem Schwarzwald
Mako's Fancy Blue Lace
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
(F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
(M) 06/12/1971 WC106262; Black
Am CH Ravon's Ruwenzori Rye CDX
Ross' Blue Shadows of Dawn CD
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
(F) 07/05/1970 WC216946; Blue
Am CH Zoro aus dem Schwarzwald
Mako's Fancy Blue Lace
Cassandra's Hera
(F) 11/18/1983 WF803502; Blue
Enzi van het Vascohome
(M) LOSH 44678;
Nemo du Val de l'Amitie
(M) LOFIDAU019822; Black
Int., Dutch, Belgian, GMY Ch Sire Royal
Quitsou Royal
Elfe von Trabersruh
(F) 12/13/1977 VDH/DDC 75426;
Int Ch Atos von Trabersruh
Int Ch Baccara von Trabersruh
CH Lorenzo's Bles
(F) LOSH397242;
Yaky vom Offenstadt
(M) LOSH347329; Blue
Int, Dutch, Gmy, Belgian Ch Kasimir von Agricola
Viola vom Brackvenn
Viva du Domaine de la Ferte
(F) LOSH319871;
Sunny Boy du Domaine de la Ferte
Lady von der Immenburg
Stormi Warriors Magic
(F) 08/22/1991 WP37166707; Black COI=3.03%
Magic's Black Kastle
(M) 12/03/1988 WG308404; Black COI=1.68%
Am CH Mikaldane's Master Charge
(M) 02/21/1986 WF825717; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Kodiak
(M) 03/02/1982 WF182174; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Uno King V Hearts
(M) 02/14/1981 WE98236; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
(M) 11/24/1975 WD365792; Black
Am CH Wildwind Crash Corrigan
(M) WD054179; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello
Am CH Doria's Wildwind Chemin de Fer
Mex Ch Doria von Wildwind
(F) WC148055; Black
Blue Oaks Imperante
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
Am CH Azurs Elbina
(F) 06/05/1976 WD533800; Blue
Int & Nor Ch Azurs Dante
(M) 03/20/1975 S14263/75; Blue
Int Ch Lobos of Impton
Undine von der Immenburg
Int & Nor Ch Asta v d Fuchshalde
(F) SKKR5025/73; Blue
Int Ch Daimond von der Immenburg
Hummel von der Immenburg
Haltmeiers Fortune Seeker
(F) 09/11/1979 WE408645; Blue
Am CH Bantry Cordon Bleu De Sharon
(M) 09/28/1974 WD133354; Blue
Bantry Santana Azul
(M) WC853377; Blue
Am CH Auburn Hill Illya
Bantry-Hazeldane Dreamboat
Sharon's Blackberry Brandy
(F) WB726868; Black
Am CH Frefin's Herr Bodi
Bantry-Hazeldane Dreamboat
Am CH Azurs Elbina
(F) 06/05/1976 WD533800; Blue
Int & Nor Ch Azurs Dante
(M) 03/20/1975 S14263/75; Blue
Int Ch Lobos of Impton
Undine von der Immenburg
Int & Nor Ch Asta v d Fuchshalde
(F) SKKR5025/73; Blue
Int Ch Daimond von der Immenburg
Hummel von der Immenburg
Michaeldane's Dream Girl
(F) 11/13/1982 WF787779; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Oh Boy V Mecca Dane
(M) 11/02/1978 WE409496; Fawn
Am CH Caprata's Simba
(M) 01/26/1977 WD638716; Brindle
Am CH Daneaura's Hunter
(M) WD158572; Fawn
Han-Dan Quando
Am & Can Ch Dinro Ultra Aura
Rojon's Risque
(F) 10/08/1971 WC242850; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Rojon's Little Sheba
Mecca Dane's Cynarra V Windane
(F) WD430050; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970 WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Windane's Hello Sunshine
(F) WC338045; Fawn
Am CH Emperor's Nero of Kalidane
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
Jolly's Gypsy Rose Lee
(F) 05/10/1979 WE314255; Fawn
Kal-Dayn's Nikolas v Spartacus
(M) WD994536; Brindle
Am CH Dagons Spartacus V Phylldane
(M) 05/26/1975 WD187988; Fawn
Am CH Shayne's Samson Von Solomon
Am CH Imperial J's Joyous Lyndee
Am CH Kal-Dayn's Hera v Samson
(F) 02/28/1975 WD138667; Brindle
Am CH Shayne's Samson Von Solomon
Laurado's Sasha
Knollwoods She Can't Miss
(F) 05/06/1975 WD160821; Fawn
(M) WC130175; Fawn
Am CH Akobi Of Marydane
Roc'n Ril's Miss Brindle Dorcas
CH Can't Miss of Tamerlane
(F) WB870016; Fawn
Am CH Mr. Pacific Of Marydane
Am CH Lyons' Pride Heidi
Magic Manors Chantilly Lace
(F) 01/14/1986 WF830091; Black
Hearthhills Marmaduke
(M) WF103757; Fawn
Hearthhill's Gusto
(M) 09/16/1978 WE209792; Fawn
Hearthhill's Rocky of Troy
(M) WD379467;
Sunridge Cody of Hearth Hill
(M) 11/08/1971 WC160406; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Troy's Wendy of Hearth Hill
Hearthhill's Gorgeous Gussie
(F) WC263436; Fawn
Am CH Hearth Hill's Zip of Sunridge
Asba Von Burgkaub
Hearthhill's Trillum V Troy
(F) WD188290;
Sunridge Cody of Hearth Hill
(M) 11/08/1971 WC160406; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Troy's Wendy of Hearth Hill
Divine Elsa
(F) ;
Heming's Brandy of Hei-Dan
Nuth's Beautys Image
Hearth Hill's Tamars Topaz
(F) 12/05/1979 WE986060; Fawn
Hearth Hill Clint Cody V Kencif
(M) WD200009;
Sunridge Cody of Hearth Hill
(M) 11/08/1971 WC160406; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Troy's Wendy of Hearth Hill
Hearthhill's Gorgeous Gussie
(F) WC263436; Fawn
Am CH Hearth Hill's Zip of Sunridge
Asba Von Burgkaub
Hearthhill's Trillum V Troy
(F) WD188290;
Sunridge Cody of Hearth Hill
(M) 11/08/1971 WC160406; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Troy's Wendy of Hearth Hill
Divine Elsa
(F) ;
Heming's Brandy of Hei-Dan
Nuth's Beautys Image
Eboney Glo Kazan
(F) 11/30/1982 WF644569; Black
Am CH Liberty's Captain Callisto
(M) WE074139; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
(M) 11/24/1975 WD365792; Black
Am CH Wildwind Crash Corrigan
(M) WD054179; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello
Am CH Doria's Wildwind Chemin de Fer
Mex Ch Doria von Wildwind
(F) WC148055; Black
Blue Oaks Imperante
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
Vera's Black Blizzard
(F) WD024990; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
(M) 06/09/1970 WB656843; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
Ebony's Fancy of Bonicastle
Honey Hollow Dark Grumbles
(F) WC051485; Black
Am CH Lone Jack's Great Satan
Barkers Lady Katrina
D's Black Magic V Strauss
(F) 02/10/1978 WF247014; Black
Am CH Honey Hollow Beowolf Zeus
(M) WC343025; Black
Am CH Long Jacks Great Satan
(M) ; Black
BIS BISS Am Ch Big Kim of Bella-Dane
Lone Jack's El Martina CD
Dasvi-Donya Criste
(F) WB440457;
T.T.'s Comet of Ravenblu
Honey Hollow Dasvi-Donya
D's Earth wind and Fire
(F) 01/15/1975 WD495676; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
(M) 06/09/1970 WB656843; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
Ebony's Fancy of Bonicastle
Honey Hollow Dark Grumbles
(F) WC051485; Black
Am CH Lone Jack's Great Satan
Barkers Lady Katrina
Warriors Miss Shaka Zulu
(F) WG411222; COI=0.94%
Am CH D-Danes at Liberty To Do It
(M) 11/30/1982 WF327455;
Am CH Liberty's Captain Callisto
(M) WE074139; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
(M) 11/24/1975 WD365792; Black
Am CH Wildwind Crash Corrigan
(M) WD054179; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello
(M) WC416976; Black
Jecamo's Old Fitzgerald
Jecamo's Precious' of Rodane
Am CH Doria's Wildwind Chemin de Fer
(F) 01/24/1969 WB493165; Black
Am CH Sir Lucius of Nick's Black Ace
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
Mex Ch Doria von Wildwind
(F) WC148055; Black
Blue Oaks Imperante
(M) WB493484; Fawn
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
Am CH Doce's November of Blue Oaks
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
(F) WA862220; Black
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
Ledezan's Lady
Vera's Black Blizzard
(F) WD024990; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
(M) 06/09/1970 WB656843; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
(M) WA566064; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Olivia
Ebony's Fancy of Bonicastle
(F) WB067474; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
Jocopa's Ebony of Bonicastle
Honey Hollow Dark Grumbles
(F) WC051485; Black
Am CH Lone Jack's Great Satan
(M) 09/07/1968 WB378944; Black
BIS BISS Am Ch Big Kim of Bella-Dane
Lone Jack's El Martina CD
Barkers Lady Katrina
(F) 03/11/1968 WB148863; Black
Honey Hollow Sir Lancelot II
Myer's Ebony Girl
Sally of Manchester
(F) ;
Wingood's War Eagle
(M) ;
Wildwind Darktown Strutter
(M) ; Black
Blue Oaks Imperante
(M) WB493484; Fawn
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
Am CH Doce's November of Blue Oaks
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
(F) WA862220; Black
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
Ledezan's Lady
Dionyx Freya
(F) ; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Sierra Sioux
(F) 01/12/1967 WA929242; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Listra
Karadane's Licorice Lady
(F) ;
Kelley's Carpetbagger
(M) 08/12/1974 WC895269; Black
Kelley's Lion of Judah
(M) 11/29/1972 WC454754; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
Am CH Kelley's Bella Bubula CD
Am CH Kelley's Bella Bubula CD
(F) 01/01/1968 WB129636; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
Kelley's Gypsy CD
Lady Greta of Mistirow
(F) WC508164;
Vali Hi's Mr. Joe Black
(M) ;
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
Ebony's Fancy of Bonicastle
Jowag's Black Smokey
(F) ;
Elliott's Knight Diamond
Maggie Parker
Warrior's Dark Journey
(F) WF971829;
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun
(M) 08/16/1982 WF433647; Black
Willowruns Spike
(M) 06/22/1980 WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977 WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
(M) 05/01/1975 WD189523; Black
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
(F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
(F) WE358702; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
(M) 11/25/1972 ; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Sierra of Impton
Impton Onieda
(F) NHSB 822563;
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Menina of Merrowlea
Willowruns Zena of Sharcon CD
(F) 07/13/1978 WS34602001; Black
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977 WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
(M) 05/01/1975 WD189523; Black
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
(F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
Sharcon's Imp of Willowrun
(F) WD132788; Black
Sharcon's Sundance Kid
(M) 05/31/1972 WC218533; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
Am CH Dehoniesto's Konigin Nikki
Marma's Midnight Mistique
(F) ;
Am CH Sama's Midnight Sinner
Marma Duchess Dawn
Warrior's Papillion
(F) WF825932;