Am CH Saul Danebridgei'Msexyniknowit
(M) 12/21/2011 WS41108303; Fawn COI=3.45%
Am CH Cbd Danebridge's Enter Sandman
(M) 10/08/2008 WS28694801; Black COI=3.33%
Am CH Hauerdane's Master Blend V Danebridge
(M) 12/07/2005 WS15625608; Black
Am CH M.J.B. Hauerdanes MR. Coffee
Camelot's La La La-Lola
Danebridge's Miss Independent
(F) 05/06/2005 WS13309801;
Am CH Danebridge's Bail Me Out
Danebridge's Bootylicious
Moredane Saul's Breakfast at Tiffanys
(F) WS26564302 / 1102651; Fawn COI=3.46%
BISS Am Ch Winhurst's Saks on Fifth
(M) 06/18/2003 WS05127804; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Resolute
Winhurst's In Vogue
Am & Can Ch Saul Mohican's Maiden
(F) 02/23/2003 NC850019; Fawn
BISS Can Ch Trojan's Last of the Mochicans
Am & Can Ch Aristo Chamois Autumn Jomardi
Am GCh Cbd Danebridge's Bringin' Sexy Back
(F) 09/05/2009 WS32581501; COI=3.33%
Am CH Hauerdane's Master Blend V Danebridge
(M) 12/07/2005 WS15625608; Black COI=2.16%
Am CH M.J.B. Hauerdanes MR. Coffee
(M) 05/14/1997 WP78137207; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Primo D'Aquino
BISS Am Ch Jc's Antigua's Sweet Revenge
Camelot's La La La-Lola
(F) WS05132702; Fawn
Am CH Camelot's Nicholas V Rojon
Camelot's Mist's of Avalon
Danebridge's Miss Independent
(F) 05/06/2005 WS13309801; COI=31.13%
Am CH Danebridge's Bail Me Out
(M) 12/30/2001 WR06189208; Fawn
Am CH Danebrdg Chardonay Shamrock
Reanns A Dane Called Desire
Danebridge's Bootylicious
(F) 12/30/2001 WR06189203; Fawn
Am CH Danebrdg Chardonay Shamrock
Reanns A Dane Called Desire