Can Ch Dantrydanes Captain Nemo
(M) 05/11/2014 BJ564112 / WS50300102; Black COI=1.19%
Danekraafts Paperback Rider V Starshadow
(M) 07/23/2010 WS35202703; Black COI=2.29%
BISS GCh Valinor-Cheshire's For The Ride AOM
(M) 11/19/2006 WS20213713; Black
Am CH Valinor's Pink Floyd
(M) 11/28/2004 WS11101402; Black
Am CH Etars Consider It Done Okyan
Am CH Valinor's The Divine Miss M
Am CH Valinor's I'll Take You There
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Am CH Longo's The Last Tycoon
Am CH Valinor's Tumbling Dice
Elan's Something Special Reimroc
(F) 12/01/2004 WS11700307; Fawn
Am CH Reimroc Solidly Rojon
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Am CH Rojon's Dream Boy
Bis Biss Am Ch Rojon's Mystify Me
Am CH Elan's New Years Resolution
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BISS Am Ch Avanti's All For One Elan AOM
Am CH Elan's Royhl Enchantment
Can Ch Dantrydanes Billy Blue Jeans
(F) 04/09/2011 YG402521; Blue COI=13.73%
Can Ch Dantrydanes Out of the Azores
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Can Ch Karador's Art of Zen
(M) 06/13/2004 PL001343; Blue
BISS Am Ch Sharcon's Tomahawk AOM
Can Ch Karador's High Fashion
Can Ch Dantrydanes She's Got Blue Jeans
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Can Ch Dantrydanes Back In Black
Can Ch Dantrydanes Disney
Can Ch Dantrydanes She's a Natural
(F) 11/09/2008 UW266013; Black
Am CH KRW Bettin on Balooh of Dantry
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KRW Kustom Monogram V Magic
Int Ch KRW Asbury Kindred Spirits
Can Ch Dantrydanes Itzy Bitzy Magic
(F) 05/09/2006 SJ082756; Black
Can Ch Karador's Art of Zen
Can Ch Dantrydanes She's Got Blue Jeans
Am CH CreekDanesBlueChasingPavement Adele
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Am CH Eastwood's Sudden Impact
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Am CH Bell's Semper Fidelis
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Am CH Haltmeier's Xtra Sharp
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Am CH Pena-Zarlin Sharp Dressed Man ROM
Haltmeiers Mirabella
Am CH Bell's Blue Enchantment
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Am CH Wiltors Reflexion In The Dark
Am CH Bell's A Blue Called Alice
Am CH Eastwoods'Abracadabra
(F) 01/10/2007 WS20764001; Blue
Am CH Magic's Don Diego
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Magic's Outlaw Blues Paradox
Magic's Carmen
Eastwood's Freedom V Kohinoor
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Kohinoor Ecclesiastes
Luck of Ruby Is Turnin Blue
Northernaire's Creek Dharma
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Sharcon's Jim Bowie V Wiedane
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BISS Am Ch Sharcon's Tomahawk AOM
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Sharcon's Lightning Strikes Again
Kobe Medium
Am CH Midnite Run-Wiedanes Tatum
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Am CH Coleridge Bandito De Macleo
Sunrise's Marvelous Morgan
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Mercedes White Diamond Divo
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Berge's Somthin Like That TM
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Gypsy's Midnight Magic
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