Pedigree of:
Breezy Acres Magic Marker (M) 01/31/1994 WP53018602; COI: 4.08% |
Breezy Acres Raggedy Andy (M) 08/17/1992 WP43318506; COI=0.43%
Breeze-By Mickey V Edelweis (M) WP34960101; Harlequin COI=6.45%
Breeze-By Von Edelweis (M) WG370916; Harlequin
Chevalier Von Edelweis (M) WG159697; Harlequin
Cavalier Von Edelweis (M) 06/09/1984 WF652528; Harlequin
Cavalier Von Meistersinger |
Bessy Von Meistersinger |
Crystal Mischa Von Edelweis (F) 02/05/1982 WF605684; Harlequin
Beauregard V Meistersinger |
Mischa Imperial Vedelweis |
Breeze Von Edelweis (F) 05/04/1982 WF547520; Harlequin
One of a Kind V Edelweis (M) WE858148;
Drambuie Von Edelweis |
Pepper Dell Von King |
Ingaborg Von Edelweis (F) 08/22/1980 WF080519; Black / White
Cathay's Clown V Edelweis |
Cathay's Oreo V Edelweis |
Schatzi Von Edelweis (F) 02/14/1988 WF962977; Harlequin
Elixir Von Edelweis (M) 06/27/1981 WF555569; Harlequin
Beauregard V Meistersinger (M) 11/22/1979 WE502202; Harlequin
Spartacus Von Meistersinger |
Cassandra Von Meistersinger |
Am CH Echo Von Edelweiss (F) 04/04/1975 WD289484; Harlequin
Jack Daniels Von Meistersinger II |
Germaine Von Meistersinger |
Shalott's Lady Von Edelweis (F) WD628551; Harlequin
Jack Daniels Von Meistersinger II (M) WD036258;
Jack Daniels V Meistersinger |
CH Melodie Von Meistersinger |
Big Job V Meistersinger (F) 02/02/1972 WC228901; Black
Crickhollow Cleopatra (F) WG159423; Harlequin COI=21.11%
Crickhollow Anardil (M) WF595726; Harlequin
Crickhollow Aldamir (M) WF128393; Harlequin
Crickhollow Adelard Took (M) WE392937; Harlequin
Shas-Dane's Great Gatsby |
Crickhollow Estella |
Kerraldane's Asphodel (F) WE699973; Black
Grey Host Crickhollow |
Kerraldane's Ebony Shalom |
Diamond Took Crickhollow (F) WF402559; Black with White
Sir Saturninus del Danico (M) WE152480;
Prince Brutus del Danko |
Princess Portia del Danko |
Maple of Hartagold (F) WE557957;
Shas-Dane's Great Gatsby |
Shiloah Jo |
Crickhollow Altariel (F) WF760793; Black with White
Crickhollow Amroth (M) WF525544; Harlequin
Crickhollow Aldamir (M) WF128393; Harlequin
Crickhollow Adelard Took |
Kerraldane's Asphodel |
Crickhollow Chica Baggins (F) WE912934;
Stonehenge's Star of Thain |
Crickhollow Adamanta Took |
Diamond Took Crickhollow (F) WF402559; Black with White
Sir Saturninus del Danico (M) WE152480;
Prince Brutus del Danko |
Princess Portia del Danko |
Maple of Hartagold (F) WE557957;
Shas-Dane's Great Gatsby |
Shiloah Jo |
Crickhollow Anduril (F) 06/07/1990 WG541027; COI=2.25%
Angamaite Crickhollow (M) 04/08/1985 WG194296; Black COI=0.03%
Big Bucko (M) 01/05/1980 WE529670;
Shas-Dane's Great Gatsby (M) WD214304; Harlequin
Cyncir Chad (M) WC584395; Harlequin
Am CH Dinro's Simon Templar |
Cyncir Carillon |
Dana's Delilah Susu Murtaugh (F) WC179879; Harlequin
Shiloah Jo (F) 06/05/1978 WE345154;
King XXVII (M) WC895473;
Nobi of Ledydane (F) WD424888;
Crickhollow (F) 10/10/1982 WF382783;
Kerraldane's Apache Tear (M) 12/12/1976 WD715451;
Grey Host Crickhollow (M) WD175367; Blue / White
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love |
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood |
Kerraldane's Ebony Shalom (F) WD081840;
Dernhelm Crickhollow (F) 03/13/1980 WE887090;
Cyanic Smoke Shadowood (M) 04/13/1976 WD394086;
Indigo Judge Maximinus |
Carole's Misty Blue |
Grosse Blaue Dame Heather (F) 12/24/1976 WD683266;
Timberlake Zacharia |
Oceancrest's Heidi Blue |
Crickhollow Flammifer (F) 03/31/1988 WG170998; Black / White COI=1.83%
Prancing Pony Crickhollow (M) WF910773; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Queststar Valdez of Sheboane (M) 12/31/1981 WF248714; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Sheboane's Johnnie B Goode (M) 04/15/1978 WE428402; Harlequin
Bonne's Adonis Von Sheboane |
Devrok's Windsong V Sheboane |
Can Ch Morrison's Miss Behaving (F) 03/13/1978 WD990808; Harlequin
Am CH Demdanes Klous V Hildydane |
Glendale's Lady Catrina |
Countess Rachel Rw Shanedane (F) WF656468; Harlequin
Admiral Biffer v Shanedane (M) 04/19/1980 WE679702; Harlequin
Am CH Admiral von der Berg Arras |
T Danes Sweet Molly Bee |
Belltowers Dizzy Dezzy (F) 10/25/1979 WE446483; Harlequin
Am CH T Danes Boss V Shanedane |
Lady Taryn v Shanedane |
Findvilas Crickhollow (F) 05/10/1986 WF863983;
Crickhollow Jason Victory (M) 02/21/1985 WF823473;
Crickhollow Amroth (M) WF525544; Harlequin
Crickhollow Aldamir |
Crickhollow Chica Baggins |
ZL's Keesha Riverwood (F) 12/26/1979 WF516256; Black / White
Am CH Massey's Philbert V Riverwood |
BMW Ma Belle Michelle |
Crickhollow Pandora Victory (F) 04/11/1985 WF823474;
Crickhollow Amroth (M) WF525544; Harlequin
Crickhollow Aldamir |
Crickhollow Chica Baggins |
Diamond Took Crickhollow (F) WF402559; Black with White
Sir Saturninus del Danico |
Maple of Hartagold |