River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Am CH Brinlann's Somethin Ta Talk About
(F) 09/22/2004
WS10617801; Brindle
Brinlann's Woop's I Did It Again
Brinlann's Legally Blonde
(F) 11/07/2001
WR05617203; Fawn
Brinlann's Chumbawumba
(M) 05/20/1998
WP86569305; Fawn
BISS BIS Am Ch Jamara's High Voltage ROM HOF
(M) 04/27/1995
WP63002101; Fawn
Jamara's Avenger Von Shrado
Jamara's Front Page News
Brinlann's Belladonna
(F) 07/05/1994
WP57894003; Fawn
Brinlann's the Real Thing
Brinlann's Black Velvet
Brinlann's Legend's of The Fall
(F) 05/24/1997
WP79884401; Fawn