Malibrand of Merrowlea
(M) ; COI=8.53%
Eng Ch Merry Monk of Merrowlea
(M) 10/02/1961 129231/61; Fawn COI=0.87%
Eng Ch Malloy of Merrowlea
(M) 12/12/1959 ; Fawn
My Choice of Merrowlea
Marilon of Merrowlea
Eng Ch Goldendale Gay of Merrowlea
(F) 06/05/1957 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Squire of Ridgedaine
Genevieve of Goldendale
Meryl of Merrowlea
(F) ;
My Choice of Merrowlea
(M) 08/04/1958 ;
Martinet of Merrowlea
Merrowlea Betrothed of Bringtonhill
Melissa of Merrowlea
(F) ;
Honey Hollow Hi-Lilly
(F) ; COI=4.38%
Honey Hollow Golden Rebel II
(M) ; Fawn COI=4.66%
Pajaha's Commanche
(M) ;
Regendane's Fury
Honey Hollow Pajaba
Honey Hollow Black Susan
(F) ;
Honey Hollow Edfra's El Beger
Cassandra Von Meistersinger
Honey Hollow Apache Maid
(F) ;
Am CH Honey Hollow Stormi's Apache
(M) 04/12/1958 W885708; Fawn
Am CH Honey Hollow Stormi Rudio
Am CH Honey Hollow Crawford's Andea
Honey Hollow Dionerri v Dion
(F) ;