River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Blessed Be Going With The Flow
(M) 10/17/2014
WS48617607; Blue
COI: 0.44%
Am GCh Sharcon's Code of Honor

(M) 12/28/2009
WS32932402; Blue
Sharcon's Earagon
(M) 12/08/2006
WS25388902; Black
Sharcon's Robert Deniro
(M) 09/25/2004
WS11745201; Black
Sharcon's the Air I Breathe
Sharcon's Inca the Huntress
Sharcon Wrappedinblack Velvet
(F) 08/19/2003
WS06781402; Black
BISS Am Ch Sharcon's Tomahawk AOM

Sharcon's Daniella V Caprata
Sharcon's Wind Beneath My Wings
WS20513601; Black
BISS Am Ch Sharcon's Tomahawk AOM

(M) 07/14/2001
WR03850602; Blue
Sharcon's Lightning Strikes Again

Kobe Medium

Sharcon's Vienna of Hidden Acres
(F) 04/25/2005
WS13040803; Fawn
Daffaluke the Garage Man
Vicson Sophies Ray of Light
Twilight's Blessed Be Obsidian Skye
(F) 10/28/2009
WS31963002; Blue
Adeles Douglas Macarthur
(M) 07/30/2007
WS22894004; Blue
Thrones Eisenhowers Ike
(M) 01/17/2002
WS00083407; Blue
Gatekeepers Deuce Bigelo
Lady Blue Sasson Ruby
Adele's Blue Angel
WS01077401; Blue
Gatekeepers Deuce Bigelo
Dalea's Miriah of Blue
Twilight's Starhal O's Angel Blue
(F) 07/15/2005
WS15016007; Blue
Twilight's Andre Debois
(M) 06/05/1999
WP92855210; Black
Rickidane's Ralph Stormdancer
Shianne of the Blue Moon
Jenna The Onyx Gem
(F) 05/24/2001
WR02629702; Black
Zar vom Havelberg
Delilah of Chincoteague