BISS Am, Can & Int Ch Dantrydanes Optical Precision
(M) 04/16/2011 YG406612; Blue COI=4.52%
Can Ch Rieslin El Maestro LaDoguerie TT
(M) 05/21/2008 UJ230401; Black COI=8.10%
Bis Biss Can GCh & Am Ch Came California Dream AOM CGN
(M) 12/15/2006 WS22287503; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Olympus' The Midas Touch
(M) 10/27/2003 WS06629002; Fawn
Am CH Brislyn Plain Havoc V Varick
Olympus' I Am The Acropolis
Can Ch Aristodane Opium de Ladoguerie ROM
(F) 03/10/2002 ME792791; Fawn
Reann's Flaming Spirit
Can Ch Ladoguerie Ave Maria HOF
BPIS Can Ch LaDoguerie Hpnotiq ROM
(F) PL956466; Black
Can Ch Dantrydanes Back In Black
(M) 06/16/2002 ML809548 / WS14857401; Black
Boarhunters Quentin
Can Ch Skydane's I've Got Attitude
Can Ch Ladoguerie Oups Foud'elle
(F) 03/09/2001 LE721169; Fawn
Reann's Flaming Spirit
Can Ch Ladoguerie La Croix du Sud
Can Ch Dantrydanes La Belle Vive
(F) 12/27/2006 SY134072; Blue COI=1.43%
Can Ch Karador's Art of Zen
(M) 06/13/2004 PL001343; Blue
BISS Am Ch Sharcon's Tomahawk AOM
(M) 07/14/2001 WR03850602; Blue
Sharcon's Lightning Strikes Again
Kobe Medium
Can Ch Karador's High Fashion
(F) HY560614; Black
Am CH Daneboa's Great Uproar
Can Ch Karador's Orchestral Maneuvers
Can Ch Dantrydanes She's Got Blue Jeans
(F) 12/22/2003 NY937528; Black
Can Ch Dantrydanes Back In Black
(M) 06/16/2002 ML809548 / WS14857401; Black
Boarhunters Quentin
Can Ch Skydane's I've Got Attitude
Can Ch Dantrydanes Disney
(F) LQ760416;
Brana's Othello's Delight
Can Ch Skydane's Lady Grace
Int Ch Steel City's Earthly Blueprint V Northstar CGC
(F) 04/17/2010 WS33712108; Blue COI=1.17%
Rainmaster's Optimus Prime
(M) 06/02/2008 WS26600402; Blue COI=3.74%
Am & Int Ch EIO Talons Wild Karrde WYSIWYG AOM CGC
(M) 02/09/2005 WS12073402; Blue
Am & Can Ch Ladoguerie Flashback V WYSIWYG CD RE NA OAJ
(M) 03/23/2002 GD728131; Blue
Am & Can Ch WYSIWYG's Lothario v Longo AOM
Am & Can Ch LaDoguerie the X Files
Am & Int Ch EIO Danes Taramia V Sharcon HR
(F) 03/07/2003 WS03402902; Black
BISS Am Ch Sharcon's Tomahawk AOM
Am & Int Ch EIO Danes Talia v Longo ROM
CW's Carribean Blue Martini v Stevens
(F) WS24930901; Blue COI=0.45%
Stevens Blue Titanium
(M) WS21249203; Blue
Four Paws Silver Scout
(M) WS08524505; Blue / White
Idlewild's Jericho Blue
Idlewild's Blue Cashmere
Four Paws Silky Blue Sky
(F) WS07238501; Blue
Danlea's Shades of Blue
Ozark Mountain's Blue Pooh
Stevens Blue Topaz of Triple B
() WS24930901; Blue
Garibaldi Medium
(M) WS17126101;
HighResolution-B dei Monti del Keraton
Illusion Medium
Bill's Kidamashnaga Shadow
(F) WR07851704;
Mabry's Wild Kodie In Blue
Mabry's Lady Tar Baby