Euro Power King For Nordlandia
(M) 01/27/2017 FI17822/17; Fawn COI=12.55%
It Ch You Are Not Alone-F del Piccolo Jigo
(M) 03/17/2014 ROI14/42361; Fawn COI=5.42%
KBHV02 DKCh SCH NCH NORDCH Diplomatic's Umberto di Visconti
(M) 04/20/2001 S33283/2001; Fawn
NORDV-99 SUCH SV-02 Diplomatic's Your Majesty
(M) 11/19/1995 S12566/96; Fawn
Int, Swd, & Nor Ch Diplomatic's Great Guy
Diplomatic's Jane Seymour
SUCH Diplomatic's Maggie May
(F) 10/30/1998 S13592/99; Fawn
Diplomatic's Brett De Mandeville
Danehouse Marcella
Shalom-F del Piccolo Jigo
(F) ROI10/132400;
Swe & Fin Ch Diplomatic's Val Kilmer
(M) 07/10/2001 S47436/2001; Fawn
Dk Ch Lagarada's Gold Krugerrand
Diplomatic's Jane Stuart .
Isotta-F del Piccolo Jigo
(F) 04/09/2007 LOI07/70956; Fawn
Sp Ch Zarco de Aldama
Bibiana Isabel
Euro Power Helsinki Rock
(F) 06/28/2013 FI40488/13; Fawn COI=6.24%
Int/Fin/Sw/Lat/Est/Norw/Lit Ch Euro Power Boy Toy
(M) 01/26/2007 FIN17131/07; Fawn
Swe & Fin Ch Diplomatic's Val Kilmer
(M) 07/10/2001 S47436/2001; Fawn
Dk Ch Lagarada's Gold Krugerrand
Diplomatic's Jane Stuart .
Meherzugi Odessa
(F) 11/28/2004 METDOG 9404/05 / FIN26923/05;
Sting des Petites Vernieres
Aurora's Hope Aida
Grand Fergo's Emerald
(F) 01/01/2011 FI20312/11;
Diplomatic's Umberto Tozzi-F
(M) 01/17/2007 S17389/2007; Fawn
Diplomatic's Will Durante
Diplomatic's Ursula Andress
Maxidan's Made in Heaven
(F) DK13823/2008; Fawn
Dk Ch Maxidan's Jumping Jack Flash
Maxidan's Indiana
Blue Hood's Pepper's Lane
(F) FI45240/17; COI=0.37%
BIS BISS GChG Creek Danes I'm The Head Honcho El Jefe V Enzo HOF AOM
(M) 12/05/2014 WS49490201; Blue COI=4.65%
Am & Int Ch Enzo's Derek Zoolander Blue Steel Remyd AOM
(M) 08/22/2012 WS41633202; Blue
Can Ch Darkhorse's Go Big Or Go Home GDCC-AOM
(M) 08/12/2007 TQ174229 / WS37700401; Black
Am CH Bell's Semper Fidelis
CH Dark Horse's Great Big Sea
BISS Am GCH Int Ch WYSIWYG's Danica Start Your Engine at Enzodane CGC RN GDCA-VA ROM HOF
(F) 12/21/2008 WS29260302; Blue
Am & Int Ch EIO Talons Wild Karrde WYSIWYG AOM CGC
Am, Can & Int Ch WYSIWYG's Watcher Sashay HR
Am CH Creeks Perlwin Wild Blue Luka Motion
(F) 01/27/2009 WS29822401; Blue / White
Am CH EIO Danes Wild Blue Yonder AOM
(M) 10/07/2003 WS05984807; Blue
Am CH Bluestone's Forbes
Am & Int Ch EIO Danes Talia v Longo ROM
Northernaire's Creek Dharma
(F) 10/16/2006 WS19586507; Blue
Sharcon's Jim Bowie V Wiedane
Sunrise's Marvelous Morgan
Coeur De Lion D'hongrie Fortuna 4u Finland
(F) FI15664/17; COI=5.50%
Barolo vom Hause Lechner
(M) ÖHZB/DD 5081;
Gitano von den Glorreichen Blauen
(M) 03/25/2006 VDH/DDC 118309; Blue
CH Saphyr de l'Orangerie des Perles Rares
Emily von den Glorriechen-Blauen
Aphrodite vom Mendener Berg
(F) ;
Victor Imanuel vom Erlkönig
Mona Lisa vom Mendener Berg
Rea of Kállói King
(F) MET.Dog 2219/12; Blue
Fair Play of Kállói King
(M) ;
Cassius Expletus Hungaricus
Fehér Nomád Asztrid-Bella
Cassandra of Kállói King
(F) ;
Cassius Expletus Hungaricus
Jana Von Gigantic Blau