River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Bonnoakleigh Mistic Lass of Doveport
(F) 12/20/1994
COI: 4.01%
Obadja v't Buitengebeuren
Willowrun Bocor V D Schleheck

(M) 01/14/1987
WF978477; Black
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun

(M) 08/16/1982
WF433647; Black
Willowruns Spike

(M) 06/22/1980
WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977
WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
WE358702; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
Impton Onieda
Willowruns Zena of Sharcon CD

(F) 07/13/1978
WS34602001; Black
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977
WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Sharcon's Imp of Willowrun
WD132788; Black
Sharcon's Sundance Kid
Marma's Midnight Mistique
Willowruns Great Dana
(F) 12/05/1981
WF774091; Black
Willowrun's Lord Troy
(M) 06/22/1980
WE759566; Black
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977
WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
WE358702; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
Impton Onieda
Willowrun's Wendy Wonder Girl
(F) 07/12/1979
WE550675; Blue
Willowrun's Captain Fantastic
(M) 09/06/1977
WD826063; Black
Willowruns Win-Tiket V SNDHL
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
WE358702; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
Impton Onieda
Just In Time v't Buitengebeuren
NHSB 1553856; Black
Eliot von der Buocher Höhe
VDH/DDC 088415; Black
Zorro Perasperaadastra
(M) 05/11/1979
; Black
Kingo Perasperaadastra
SHSB 250491; Black
Arco von der Materborner Schweiz
Anthea v Glöckelsberg
Jenny Perasperaadastra
; Blue
Anko v d Materborner Schweis
Hanni vom Insultheimer Hof
Diana von der Buocher Höhe
; Blue
CH Favorit vom Haus Fresena
(M) 09/16/1977
VDH/DDC 75210; Blue
Dutch Ch Iwan von Scharfgarten
Lütje Deern vom Haus Fresena
Assi von der Buocher Höhe
VDH/DDC 72607; Blue
Dutch Ch Iwan von Scharfgarten
Bonny Libertas
Willowrun CC v't Buitengebeuren
(F) 03/01/1985
WF729973 / NHSB 1425254; Black
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun

(M) 08/16/1982
WF433647; Black
Willowruns Spike
(M) 06/22/1980
WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
Willowruns Zena of Sharcon CD
(F) 07/13/1978
WS34602001; Black
Willowrun's Candidate
Sharcon's Imp of Willowrun
Willowrun's Bahni Black
(F) 06/22/1980
WF170054; Black
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977
WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
WE358702; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
Impton Onieda
Quinola v't Buitengebeuren
NHSB 1222279; Blue
Democrat v 't Buitengebeuren
(M) 09/19/1977
NHSB 970378; Blue
The Old Favorite Apache
NHSB 553752; Blue
Astor vom Rotenberger Schloß
(M) 08/20/1965
VDH/DDC 050922; Blue
Haiko von der Eremitage
(M) 04/02/1962
VDH/DDC 046888; Blue
Vasar von der Eremitage
Lady vom Föhrenstein
Bella von Burg Karlsdorf
(F) 05/03/1963
VDH/DDC 47972; Black
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald
Carmen vom Leininger Land
The Old Favorite Swanta
NHSB 480871; Blue
Int Ch Domofendi's Nick
LOSH226883; Blue
Errol aus dem Schwarzwald
Babette Von Blauwe Engel
CH The Old Favorite Olga
NHSB 431647; Blue
Ivo of Lynn-mar
Hercules Brigitta
Perriwinkle of Oakhatch
NHSB 822565; Blue
Esp Ch Kilcroney King's Ransome
2373BI; Blue
Sarzec Blue in the Night
; Blue
Irish Ch Kassandra of Kilcroney
(F) 08/25/1967
; Blue
Horace of Nightsgift
Kana of Kilcroney
Domofendi's U'fillia of Moonsfield
KC 168681/72; Blue
Domofendi's Rambler
LOSH 263370; Blue
Int Ch Domofendi's Nick
CH Domofendi's Penelope
Domofendi's Quinola
LOSH 249781; Blue
Domofendi's Marko
Domofendi's Lady
Fiona v 't Buitengebeuren
(F) 01/29/1979
NHSB 1051183; Blue
Kingo Perasperaadastra
SHSB 250491; Black
Arco von der Materborner Schweiz
; Blue
Attila v Nibelungenhort
VDH/DDC 54295; Blue
Int Ch Domofendi's Nick
Linda vom Oderstrand
Birzen v Nibelungenhort
VDH/DDC 56328; Blue
Int & Eur Ch Midas Royal
Linda vom Oderstrand
Anthea v Glöckelsberg
Othello vom Hause Geco
; Harlequin
Int, Gdr, Ben & Swz Ch Eick Imperial
Alfa v Blauen Ländchen
Hanni vom Insultheimer Hof
VDH/DDC 55498; Black
Alk v Haus Trollhätta
Citta vom Insultheimer Hof
Oneida Impton
Duralex Bernando Impton
S27010/69; Black
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
(M) 11/26/1967
S22500/68; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Harmony Hill Riff Song
Harmony Hill X-Mas Eve
Nordic & Int Ch Chan-Sonette of Doggline
S02243/66; Black
Sivord's Cox
Västsjö Ritzie
Menina of Merrowlea
(F) 05/13/1967
; Blue
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
(M) 10/03/1965
2218BA; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
Kana of Kilcroney
Marpesa of Merrowlea
KC75401/63; Blue
Blendon Blue Blend of Newton Regis
Miss Saphire of Merrowlea