Pedigree of:
Bear Crks Molly Von Barra (F) 11/09/1994 WP58568901; COI: 5.13% |
Shandar Vaughn Valentine (M) 01/02/1992 WP38968305; Harlequin COI=7.57%
Boss Country Gentleman (M) WG187126; Harlequin
Prancing Pony Crickhollow (M) WF910773; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Queststar Valdez of Sheboane (M) 12/31/1981 WF248714; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Sheboane's Johnnie B Goode |
Can Ch Morrison's Miss Behaving |
Countess Rachel Rw Shanedane (F) WF656468; Harlequin
Admiral Biffer v Shanedane |
Belltowers Dizzy Dezzy |
Schotzie of Lee Fair (F) WF535494; Harlequin
BLK Warrior of Von Godwin Fair (M) WE352169; Black & White
Lord Kelo of Von Godwins Fair |
Williamson's Dallas |
Moon Shadow of Von Godwinfair (F) WE224621; Harlequin
Bisquit |
Diablos Eve |
Lady of Lizz (F) WG308726; Merle COI=2.43%
Nostradamus (M) 05/26/1985 WF932793; Harlequin
Zodiac's Trebor (M) WF335793; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Laurenwood's Top A Th' Mornin |
Am CH Zodiac's Zarih of Innsfree |
Zodiac's Sarangehty (F) WF387270; Black & White
Zodiac's TJK Cotten |
Miss Elly V Decapolis |
Katava (F) WF932792; Harlequin
Aspendanes Jesse James (M) WE523005; Harlequin
Rvrwds Great Waldo Pepper |
Tri-k's Ms Chevious Gypsy |
Schotzie of Lee Fair (F) WF535494; Harlequin
BLK Warrior of Von Godwin Fair |
Moon Shadow of Von Godwinfair |
Crickhollow Arthedain (F) 05/03/1991 WP34665901; COI=2.02%
Cherokee's HD Bandit Chief (M) 10/15/1988 WG326898; Harlequin COI=27.19%
Nostradamus' Spuds-ee (M) WG181272; Harlequin
Nostradamus (M) 05/26/1985 WF932793; Harlequin
Zodiac's Trebor |
Zodiac's Sarangehty |
Gee-o-Gee Fuglee Dee-o-Gee (F) WF935903; Harlequin
Bee-i-Gee Dee-o-Gee |
Ivory Jet Set |
Cherokee's Pocahontas (F) WG181273; Harlequin
Nostradamus (M) 05/26/1985 WF932793; Harlequin
Zodiac's Trebor |
Zodiac's Sarangehty |
Gee-o-Gee Fuglee Dee-o-Gee (F) WF935903; Harlequin
Bee-i-Gee Dee-o-Gee |
Ivory Jet Set |
Kato's Boston Amoretta (F) WG296731; Black / White COI=16.69%
Kato's Josele Kwervo (M) 03/21/1984 WF584894; Harlequin
CH Kato's Spotlite (M) 10/02/1976 WD652629; Harlequin
Am CH Kato's Faro Dealer |
Kato's Silver Loo |
Kato's Boston Cream Puff (F) WF108105; Harlequin
Am CH Chauffeured's Deegan E |
Kato's Carte Blanche Bandit |
Kato's Boston Tease (F) 05/14/1983 WF490137; Black / White
Am CH Kato's Grand Slam (M) 04/17/1978 WE078289; Harlequin
CH Kato's Spotlite |
Rayna De Mio |
Kato's Finesse (F) 04/08/1978 WE339921; Harlequin
Riko's Arpad |
Kato's Fatima |