River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Beaugest of Liberty
(M) 03/17/1981
COI: 0.00%
Am CH Liberty's Captain Callisto

WE074139; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind

(M) 11/24/1975
WD365792; Black
Am CH Wildwind Crash Corrigan

WD054179; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello

WC416976; Black
Jecamo's Old Fitzgerald
WC211302; Brindle
Am CH Bartholomew Von Overcup
Jecamo's Chablis on The Rox
Jecamo's Precious' of Rodane
WC165653; Black
Jecamo's Black Label of Landy
Suti of Rodane
Am CH Doria's Wildwind Chemin de Fer
(F) 01/24/1969
WB493165; Black
Am CH Sir Lucius of Nick's Black Ace
(M) 11/18/1964
WA558811; Black
Nick's Black Ace of Westwood
Henrika of Overcup
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
WA862220; Black
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
Ledezan's Lady
Mex Ch Doria von Wildwind
WC148055; Black
Blue Oaks Imperante
WB493484; Fawn
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
(M) 06/06/1965
WA636483; Fawn
Roxdane Beaugay
Am CH Tahra's Fallacy of Rebelro
Am CH Doce's November of Blue Oaks
(F) 11/20/1966
WA896413; Fawn
Iago de Rebelro
Blue Oaks Prima Doce
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
WA862220; Black
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
(M) 06/06/1965
WA636483; Fawn
Roxdane Beaugay
Am CH Tahra's Fallacy of Rebelro
Ledezan's Lady
WA431633; Black
Jan-mar's Duke of Joy
Ledezan's Tawnya
Vera's Black Blizzard
WD024990; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac

(M) 06/09/1970
WB656843; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle

WA566064; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
WA269701; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Ednork
Am CH Heidi of Thorn Run
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Olivia
WA33815; Fawn
Am CH Lillard's Deacon of Vizier
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Godiva
Ebony's Fancy of Bonicastle
WB067474; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
WA269701; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Ednork
Am CH Heidi of Thorn Run
Jocopa's Ebony of Bonicastle
WA646752; Black
Barrett's Thunder II
Barrett's Queen of Sheba
Honey Hollow Dark Grumbles

WC051485; Black
Am CH Lone Jack's Great Satan
(M) 09/07/1968
WB378944; Black
BIS BISS Am Ch Big Kim of Bella-Dane
(M) 02/15/1965
WA441041; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco
Stars and Stripes of Kalidane
Lone Jack's El Martina CD
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Donner
Miss Gaybrook
Barkers Lady Katrina
(F) 03/11/1968
WB148863; Black
Honey Hollow Sir Lancelot II
; Black
Am CH Honey Hollow Stormi's Apache
Honey Hollow Black Susan
Myer's Ebony Girl
; Black
Lee Run's Blue Brandy
(F) 07/10/1978
Ramshead's Magnus V Pinebrook
Am CH Pinebrooks Blue Magoo
WC094234; Blue
Boris von der Stadt Munchen
(M) 11/25/1968
WB496406; Blue
Robinson aus dem Schwarzwald
ZB 50475; Blue
Blue Victor of Bedrule
Fee aus dem Schwarzwald
CH Doina Bruyant
52731; Blue
Schari v d Eremitage
Blue Bell v d Ermitage
Kim's Misty Blue
WB559104; Blue
Duke of Haverford
WA968276; Black / White
Goliath of Lady Taress
Lady Andora of Suffolk
Velvet's Kim Kan
Saracen's Arabesque
; Blue
Blue Stroh's of Barbarella