Aust Ch Oakhatch Christian of Moonsfield
(M) 08/30/1971 138899/71; Brindle COI=0.17%
Oakhatch Visco von der Stadt Hamburg
(M) 68735/70; Brindle COI=21.55%
Alf von Nassens
(M) 11/02/1966 VDH/DDC 52501; Fawn
Ger & Russian Ch Ares von der Karolingerburg
Gandi v Dubenhorst
Chieta aus der Butz Gesti
(F) 49324; Fawn
Ger & Russian Ch Ares von der Karolingerburg
Bella von der Schleemerburg
Tanora of Moonsfield
(F) 110647/68; Fawn COI=29.43%
Trombone of Moonsfield
(M) 114361/65; Fawn
Eng Ch Telluson of Moonsfield
Tambourine of Moonsfield
Tahiti of Moonsfield
(F) 657AX; Brindle
Eng Ch Telluson of Moonsfield
Marfre Arkubs Highlight
Aust Ch Artana Georgie Girl
(F) 08/18/1970 25V70; Fawn COI=23.87%
Aust Ch Danestadt Kim
(M) 10/07/1967 11V67; Fawn COI=15.87%
Aust Ch Artana Avenger
(M) 11/06/1965 5V65; Brindle
Aust Ch Moonsfield Flamudross of Billil
Antola Caroline
Aust Ch Danestadt Garbo
(F) 06/08/1960 1V60; Fawn
Aust Ch Gold of Ashthorpe
Aust Ch Diamond of Ashthorpe
Aust Ch Artana Ce Sera
(F) 09/08/1967 10V67; Brindle COI=5.35%
Aust Ch Moonsfield Flamudross of Billil
(M) 04/29/1964 72205/64; Fawn
Eng Ch Todhunter of Moonsfield
Eng Ch Billil Tres Bon of Moonsfield
Antola Caroline
(F) 3-V-62; Brindle
Aust Ch Danestadt Gunther
Aust Ch Brindayne Astrid