River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Aontroim Aghalee Hero
(M) 07/12/2013
; Black
COI: 0.30%
Clonallan Filthy Gorgeous
Clonallan In The Green
X67965; Fawn
Ir & UK Ch Garsak Sir Louie at Thornbrae
(M) 07/24/2000
2701CM / U63135; Fawn
Eng Ch Turlum Trail Blazer to Garsak
Garsak Raindance
Ir Ch Pachego Total Luv For Clonallan
(F) 07/01/2000
3418CP / U67142; Fawn
Linelva Louis
Barembak Sasha
In & Ir Ch Nightwing Nothing Compares To Clonallan
(F) 12/28/2003
Cenninpedr Oh Boy
(M) 09/07/2002
AC03817005 / 0907CR;
Foaldown Boysbouy of Cenninpedr
Seratsa Magical Lady of Cenninpedr
Nightwing Rio
(F) 11/26/1998
U65376; Fawn
Danisha Native Rhythm at Nightwing
Samdice Billie Jean at Bichoux
Aontroim Black Is Back
(F) 09/25/2008
Leevindane Belenus Dubh Ri
(M) 10/14/2006
; Black
Big Buster
Eaglestone Dark Magic
Dundesert Chanel Calvin at LeevinDane
(F) 03/07/2003
; Blue
Bonel Larry of Daffaluke
Daffaluke She Who Waits at Dundesert
Ir Ch Little Miss Marlee of Antrim
(F) 04/21/2005
3421CP; Black
Choong Moo
Anndale Aldino
Innisloughin Black Opal of Dundesert
Miss Mercedes
Black Jack Forever at Ebondane
Blackskull Allez