Am CH Addadane's Madison Ave's Matisse
(M) 09/01/2001 WR04170201; Harlequin COI=3.94%
Indian Run's Medicine Man Og
(M) 02/08/1999 WP90314702; Harlequin COI=8.46%
Shan-Rock's Phantom OG
(M) 08/09/1995 WP64593001; Harlequin
Am CH GMJ's The N'Trprize
Cand's Elsa
CH Indian Run's Windsong V J-Gar
(F) 03/26/1993 WP47255602; Harlequin
Am CH Fraser of Michaeldane N'Co
Am CH Drarig's Th' Cover Girl
Fantasiadane's Dakota
(F) WP80290101; COI=2.42%
Tinadanes' Augustus Fantasia
(M) 09/14/1996 WP73740408;
Bis Biss Am Ch Amherst-Harlwood Bubba Rondo
Tinadanes' Keepsake
Dd's Nada's Little Image
(F) 01/29/1996 WP68307306;
Country Wings King Waldo Jko
Pretty Charlotte Harlot
Dakota Danes Alexandra's Og
(F) 04/06/2000 WP96663001; Harlequin COI=5.48%
Shan-Rock's Phantom OG
(M) 08/09/1995 WP64593001; Harlequin COI=8.49%
Am CH GMJ's The N'Trprize
(M) 04/10/1988 WG126247; Pied Harlequin
GMJ's The Courier
GMJ's The Yvette
Cand's Elsa
(F) 10/11/1990 WP31706602; Mantle
Am CH Vindanes Against All Odds
Indian Run's Ha-Ha V Tonka
Fantasiadane's Dakota
(F) WP80290101; COI=2.42%
Tinadanes' Augustus Fantasia
(M) 09/14/1996 WP73740408;
Bis Biss Am Ch Amherst-Harlwood Bubba Rondo
Tinadanes' Keepsake
Dd's Nada's Little Image
(F) 01/29/1996 WP68307306;
Country Wings King Waldo Jko
Pretty Charlotte Harlot