Oceancrest's Smokey-Shannon
(M) WB673501; Blue COI=0.39%
Kelly Blue of Oceancrest
(M) WB100697; Blue COI=4.88%
Tegar Dean
(M) WA557428; Black / White
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
(M) W925277; Blue
Rungmook Regal
(M) 03/04/1954 W703925; Blue
Can Ch Rungmook Rai
Can Ch Rungmook Ranjak
My Blue Haven of Downscrest
(F) ; Blue
Dany Samson of Downs Crest
Bill's Pride
Sheba IV
(F) WA129611; Black / White
Am CH Nick
(M) 08/06/1956 W760667; Black
Gallant Duke
Blue Duchess of Moehaven
Rymer's Frolic
(F) ; Fawn
Erik of Encina
Danehill's Christmas Cheer
Shannon Black of Aeolian
(F) WA750863; Black
Butch of Kims
(M) ; Fawn
Britorch Stormy Nights
(M) ; Brindle
Susan's Storm of Gold
Honey Hollow Ampa Joli
Heidi of Downs Crest
(F) ; Fawn
Ripper of Downs Crest
Heidi's Girl of Downs Crest
Dutchess Aileen of Hayden
(F) ; Black
Am CH Adonis of Dun Roman
(M) 01/22/1959 WA36703; Fawn
Dana of Lynnhaven
Precous Treasure of Dun Roman
Eclipse De Chateau La
(F) ; Blue
Flash Buster Mcgreg
Brunhilde of Broadmoor
Julemar's Camelot Oceancrest
(F) WB153167; Blue COI=3.95%
Am CH Richters Blu Pasha V Iroquois CD
(M) WA666195; Blue
Am CH Iroquois Blue Chief of Lynn-Mar
(M) 07/17/1963 WA457377; Blue
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald
(M) 03/31/1958 VDH/DDC 43495; Blue
Amiko von Lippe-Detmold
Edda von der Wotanshütte
CH Edda vom Himmelsfürst
(F) 04/07/1959 VDH/DDC 44342; Blue
Bushido aus dem Tierparadies
Cordula vom Himmelsfürst
Schnarel's Misty Night
(F) WA419099; Black
Kaiser Wilhelm of Plum Grove
(M) WA219078; Black
Am CH I W Harper von der Stadt Hamburg
Am CH Plum Grove's Heide of Regnave
Lindi-Dane's Little Sheba
(F) WA217876; Harlequin
Lindi-Dane's Sabre Jet
Lindi-Dane's Bit O'Honey
Julemar's Blue Gloria Keppen
(F) WA543029; Blue
Dinro Blau Hoheit Von Julemar CD
(M) 05/02/1961 WA169100; Blue
Harold von Gadheim
(M) ; Blue / White
Masso v d Gärtenau
CH Freya von Gadheim
Blue Velvet Helga
(F) W958905; Blue
Arco von Annaberg
Anka von Ruhwald
Julemar's Blue Falda of Diablo CD
(F) WA321698; Blue
Julemar's Diablo
(M) ; Black
Honey Hollow Edfra's Rajah
Julemar's Blue Damsel
Julemar's Blue Damsel
(F) ; Blue
Dane Crest Thunderbolt
Dane Crest Hydee CD
Cielo Azul of Oceancrest
(F) ;