Lucas Xaivier Magee
(M) WE678532;
Miller's Great Black Dynamo
(M) ;
Kolyer's Black Lily
(F) 10/14/1977 WE393115; Black
Kolyer's Bandolero
(M) 03/25/1974 WD628571; Black
Kolyer's Blueberry
(F) 04/30/1973 WD576695; Blue
Millers Sweet Victoria
(F) WF019913; COI=1.97%
Am CH Sundown's Midnite Moonshadow
(M) 06/14/1977 WD908535; Black COI=3.96%
Diamonds Ultra Omen
(M) 08/09/1975 WD669550; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello
Octavia Mystic Shadow of Dess
Sundown's Queen of Sheba
(F) 05/24/1975 WD129204; Black
Ebony Goliath of Bodkins
Charlemange of Noblewood
Miller's Special Dot of Inga
(F) 04/15/1979 WE405682; Black COI=0.00%
Blue's and Magoos Magee
(M) WC927658; Blue
Am CH Pinebrooks Blue Magoo
Kolyer's Cady Blue of the Ridge
Jaleen's Inga Miller
(F) WC864399; Black
Ebony Dane Eric Von Rice
Lady Jill Miller