River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Mo'Danes Book Your Bet Las Vegas Style
(M) 02/12/2021
WS71788605; Brindle
COI: 6.80%
Am CH Desert Jules You are Always on My Mind V Shannon AOM
(M) 01/18/2018
WS59882703; Brindle
Am CH Desert Jules Mohave Agate V Danemar
(M) 01/28/2008
WS25255503; Brindle
Am CH Maitau's No Bones About It Paesan

(M) 10/23/2004
WS10839304; Fawn
Am CH Maitau's Never Better CGC,ROM,HOF

(M) 02/05/2002
WR06189703; Fawn
Am CH Windy Hill's Kodak Moment
Am CH Maitau's Never Say Never
Am CH Maitau's Jamaican Me Nutz

(F) 07/19/2000
WP98866903; Fawn
Am CH Maitau's Top Secret V Wiltor
Am CH Maitau's Jamaican Me Crazy
Desert Jules Danemar Sequoya
(F) 08/20/2003
WS05368904; Brindle
Am CH Echo's Justice of The Peace
(M) 02/23/2000
WP96263903; Fawn
The Determined Duke Von Echo
Danemars Echo Full of Grace
Desert Jules Summer Safari
Am CH Danemars Congressman
Am CH Desert Jules Caravan
Am CH Desert Jules Danemar Mohave Haute
(F) 11/24/2014
WS49007104; Fawn
RBIS MBISS GCHS Mavro-Twinoaks Hollywood Tough AOM

(M) 12/09/2010
WS36378401; Fawn
Bis Biss Am Ch Elan's Command Decision Reimroc

(M) 12/01/2004
WS11700301; Fawn
Am CH Reimroc Solidly Rojon
Am CH Elan's New Years Resolution
Mavro Twinoaks Hearts on Fire

(F) 06/08/2007
WS22327901; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Sandyoaks Enduring Freedom
Am CH Witamy-Mavro's Hocus Pocus
Am CH Asansnwhiteshadow's Heyy Hibiscus Babyy
(F) 05/24/2011
WS38082701; Fawn
Am GCh Danemar's Renaissance Man
(M) 08/18/2007
WS22994702; Fawn
Am CH Krisda Shannons Blade Runner
Danemar's Chablis Blanc
Boehmes Mohana Rose of Asans
WS22681802; Fawn
Oakars Man of the House
Kenya Hycontry Mercedes
Am CH Mo'danes Hope Beyond Your Dreams V Danemar's For
(F) 01/04/2016
Am CH Echo Danemar's Reconnaissance Man
(M) 02/26/2012
WS40215504; Fawn
Am GCh Danemar's Renaissance Man
(M) 08/18/2007
WS22994702; Fawn
Am CH Krisda Shannons Blade Runner
(M) 06/16/2002
WS00927602; Fawn
Am CH Helisain Monsieur
Am CH Krisda Dugan's Final Fantasy
Danemar's Chablis Blanc
(F) 05/22/2004
WS08545402; Fawn
Am CH Echo's Justice of The Peace
Am CH Echo's Annie Got Her Guns V Evans
(F) 11/23/2005
WS15508003; Fawn
Am CH Surfside Stairwaytoheaven Pbjs
(M) 04/26/2004
WS08452702; Fawn
Am CH Maitau's Never Better CGC,ROM,HOF
Am CH Surfside Winstar Heaven Lee
Kenyon Echo Dance in the Dark
(F) 02/15/2003
WS03189807; Black
Am CH Echo's Speaker of the House
Kenyon's Wyatt Katalina Janeway
Mo'Danes Casing the Joint
(F) 03/03/2011
WS37634701; Fawn
Bis Biss Am Ch Elan's Command Decision Reimroc

(M) 12/01/2004
WS11700301; Fawn
Am CH Reimroc Solidly Rojon

(M) 05/06/1999
WP92632302; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Dream Boy
Bis Biss Am Ch Rojon's Mystify Me
Am CH Elan's New Years Resolution

(F) 01/01/2002
WR06007104; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Avanti's All For One Elan AOM
Am CH Elan's Royhl Enchantment
Moler Etar's Roman Holiday
(F) 01/29/2005
WS12434601; Fawn
Etars Room to Roam
Am CH Etars Consider It Done Okyan
Etars Raising Cain
Zarlin's Poetry In Motion
(F) 04/13/2000
Am CH O'Kyans Robert B V Etarrosha
Am CH Zarlin's Little Darlin