River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Monteral Fade To Grey
(M) 03/13/2005
04980-2005; Blue
COI: 3.55%
Brooklyn Corona Australis
Gaheris of Pendragon
Gelert-ap Panticiglas
(M) 11/10/1988
Haseborne Tri Nitro
(M) 01/17/1982
G1921495?; Blue
Impton Mahdi
Gaylord v. t. Buitengebeuren of Impton
UK Ch Czarina v t Buitenburgen of Impton
Masnou Vapluna
Luckodrommens Pluto Ii of Masnou
Masnou Visitor
NZ Ch Banachek Odette
(F) 04/04/1985
(N)809695; Black
Aust Ch Oby des Terres de la Rairie
(M) 11/30/1978
21982; Black/White
Frn Ch Luigi du Mont Simon
Int & Gmy Ch Taila vom Haus Fresena
Banachek Blue Lady
(N)701759; Blue
Banachek Mister Blue
Banachek Blue Banshee
NZ Ch Banachek Odette
(F) 04/04/1985
(N)809695; Black
Aust Ch Oby des Terres de la Rairie
(M) 11/30/1978
21982; Black/White
Frn Ch Luigi du Mont Simon
13567/1521; Harlequin
Euro Ch Rondo von der Flottbek
Int Ch Idole de Bosonisvilla
Int & Gmy Ch Taila vom Haus Fresena
60761; Harlequin
Dolf vom Waldschlößle
Lissi vom Riedstern
Banachek Blue Lady
(N)701759; Blue
Banachek Mister Blue
(M) 10/27/1977
(N)433127; Blue
Blauberling Blue Lynx
Grossdane Juanita
Banachek Blue Banshee
(N)481019; Blue
Navig Blue King
Blauberling Blue Blaze
Brooklyn Raven Skye
(F) 06/04/1998
NZ Ch Monteral Back In Black
(M) 02/22/1993
04723-1993; Black
Valleydane Son of Floyd
02589-1988; Black
Hi Villes Floyd
; Fawn
NZ Ch Adcote Kimber of Sherain
Sherain Shashkah
Bardrill Bossy Boots
(F) 08/20/1985
13496-1985; Black
Mistydane Blue Shane
Bardrill Black Bess
Monteral After Midnight
(F) 09/22/1988
11849-1988; Blue
Galsby Rock n Roller
; Blue
Helmlake Medoc
Solario Bluestone
NZ Ch Albany of Jaymar
(F) 08/15/1986
11364-1986; Blue
Helmlake Medoc
Hinemoa of Ngatiawa
Highbury Juliet
Flynndane Jazzmans Echo
Mantura Mr Mchenry
Alquist Blue Nathaniel
Alquist Daniella
Bardrill Black Bernice
Mistydane Blue Shane
Bardrill Black Bess
Harata of Ngatiawa
Tame of Ngatiawa
NZ Ch Mainwood Misty Blue
Solario Silver Wraith
Pantyciglas AP-Bronwen
Haseborne Tri Nitro
NZ Ch Banachek Odette
NZ Ch Monteral Midnight Xpress
(F) 04/08/2000
03749-2000; Black
NZ Ch Crestwell's Come As You Are
(M) 09/06/1998
11381-1998; Black
NZ Ch Crestwells Look at Me Now
(M) 01/07/1995
03338-1995; Harlequin
BISS Aust Ch Arndane Double Exposure
(M) 09/10/1992
(N)1310795; Harlequin
Aust GCh Warpaint A Bit O'Gossip
(M) 01/08/1991
(N)1178123; Harlequin
Warpaint Wild Fire
Aust Ch Warpaint Rumour Has It
Aust Ch Arndane Avanti
(F) 01/29/1989
(N)1031371; Black
Aust Ch Quintessa Chiaroscuro CDX
Kolmar Sharm
NZ Ch Crestwells Candy Floss
(F) 02/22/1992
04310-1992; Harlequin
NZ Ch Crestwells Better By Far
(M) 06/17/1987
09002-1987; Harlequin
Crestwells City Slicker
Holly of Impton
NZ Ch Elisa von der Horst
(F) 12/24/1988
W1038145; Harlequin
Aust Ch Raatu Here Icome
Crestwells Midnite Maid
NZ Ch Helmlake Xotic Fashion
(F) 10/17/1994
U4478501U04; Harlequin
Helmlake Waldemar
(M) 07/03/1993
T4400601T03 078CI; Harlequin
Helmlake Tonto
(M) 03/10/1990
2884CB; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Next In Line
Helmlake Right Fashion
Princess of Helmlake
(F) 04/02/1987
5659BW; Harlequin
Imperial Emperor of Helmlake
Fossway Geisha Girl
Helmlake Tinkerbelle
(F) 04/13/1990
R1498501R02; Harlequin
CH Eagle vom Münsterland
VDH/DDC 92228; Harlequin
Roman vom Münsterland
Jamaladeen Diacanthus
Donka von Harlekin at Helmlake
R0095363R02; Harlequin
Gallo von Harlekin
Shirley von Harlekin
NZ Ch Monteral Double Xposure
(F) 06/23/1996
03793-1996; Blue
Penwryth Star Fighter
Galsby Master Floyd
Helmlake Medoc
(M) 01/04/1985
K0812202; Black
Tenor de la Templerie de Gourdole
Bencranna Lively Lady of Helmlake
Solario Bluestone
02649-1981; Blue
NZ Ch Gamelin's Globetrotter
Solario Silvia
Penwryth Petite Fleur
Galsby Thurston Thorpe
(M) 10/04/1986
13430-1986; Blue
Helmlake Medoc
Solario Bluestone
Asoud Snow Queen
(F) 02/18/1986
L15206060L01; Black
Enrico vom Drawehner Wald of Asoud
Asoud Magics Femme
NZ Ch Monteral Blue Sky Mine
(F) 02/22/1993
04721-1993; Blue
Valleydane Son of Floyd
02589-1988; Black
Hi Villes Floyd
; Fawn
NZ Ch Adcote Kimber of Sherain
Sherain Shashkah
Bardrill Bossy Boots
(F) 08/20/1985
13496-1985; Black
Mistydane Blue Shane
Bardrill Black Bess
Monteral After Midnight
(F) 09/22/1988
11849-1988; Blue
Galsby Rock n Roller
; Blue
Helmlake Medoc
Solario Bluestone
NZ Ch Albany of Jaymar
(F) 08/15/1986
11364-1986; Blue
Helmlake Medoc
Hinemoa of Ngatiawa