Pedigree of:
Liberty's Phantom Bluz CD (M) 12/30/1996 WP75361902; COI: 6.92% |
Liberty's Chisolm (M) 06/20/1993 WP49627606; COI=0.82%
Watson's Jack (M) 08/17/1988 WG422708; Harlequin COI=9.33%
Bo-Kei |
Kleine Sheiste |
Angel The Blue Eyed Dumplin' (F) 06/21/1991 WP36390401; White
Jake from Anheuser-Busch |
Dum Big Baby |
Elm's Lady Windsor v Vindane (F) 03/13/1992 WP41971108; Harlequin COI=19.82%
Am CH Vindanes Against All Odds (M) 03/12/1988 WG136942; Harlequin COI=9.74%
Am CH Vindanes Triumph of Apollo |
Vindane's Flowerpetal |
KC's Hooray for Hollywood (F) WG296118; Harlequin COI=18.25%
Liqueur's Baryshnikov |
Am CH Corbett's Prairie Surprise |