Am & Can Ch Harlwood-Briggadane Ricochet
(M) 01/22/1997 WP76140707; Mantle COI=14.59%
Bis Biss Am Ch Amherst-Harlwood Bubba Rondo
(M) 11/21/1991 WP38522108; Harlequin COI=23.67%
Am CH Riverwood's Rondo
(M) 03/25/1989 WG383756; Harlequin
Ruths Rambo N'Co
Riverwood's Ringtop Nevey
Dan-Mar's Jazmin Potpourri
(F) 11/01/1989 WG408103; Harlequin
Am CH Chauffeured's Dr. Levy Jr.
Dan-Mar's Jazmin v Riverwood
Am CH Amherst-Harlwood Gabrielle
(F) 05/28/1992 WP41677903; Harlequin COI=8.26%
Bis Biss Am Ch Steigerhill Trailblazer
(M) WF998059; Harlequin
Am CH Chauffeured's Dr. Levy Jr.
La Bella Benicia J R
Am CH Amherst's Jilly
(F) 04/11/1988 WG160488; Harlequin
BMW Robin Goodfellow
Am & Can Ch Amherst's Gingerbread Girl
Liberty's Talia von Heart
(F) 12/16/1997 WP82207504; Harlequin COI=9.50%
Am CH Heart's Bradbury O Sole Mio
(M) 04/22/1995 WP61995001; Harlequin COI=19.93%
Am CH Rockbridge's Rodney
(M) 08/25/1991 WP36973502; Harlequin
Am CH Stiegerhill Trail Blazer
Rockbridge's Rosalyn
Heart's Matters Of The Heart
(F) 03/12/1993 WP47522703; Harlequin
Am CH Heart's BMW Forever Yours
BMW Heart' Sophisticated Risk
Elm's Lady Windsor v Vindane
(F) 03/13/1992 WP41971108; Harlequin COI=19.82%
Am CH Vindanes Against All Odds
(M) 03/12/1988 WG136942; Harlequin
Am CH Vindanes Triumph of Apollo
Vindane's Flowerpetal
KC's Hooray for Hollywood
(F) WG296118; Harlequin
Liqueur's Baryshnikov
Am CH Corbett's Prairie Surprise