Pedigree of:
Lloyd Willners Acura (F) S37648/99; Black COI: 1.38% |
Le Grand'z Black Alfonz (M) 12/04/1992 S66933/92; Black COI=1.21%
Celeber's Rolex (M) 12/02/1989 S 11017/90; Black COI=2.23%
Hotpoints Time To Act |
Celeber's Prima Privata |
Lyckodrömmens Tiffany (F) S50966/89; Black COI=3.18%
Vitahof Fender |
Lyckodrömmens Manuela |
Sjökullen's Barbara (F) 12/09/1994 S11407/95; Blue COI=14.80%
Grandios Gamza (M) S45957/87; Blue COI=13.41%
Grande Negros Claudius |
Grandios Fleur |
Ymegård's Charicma (F) S45989/92; Black COI=0.47%
Kingsize on To The North |
Ymegård's Azurina |