CH Damocles of Hazelcrest
(M) A494072;
CH Dan Half of Brae Tarn
(M) ;
CH Voro V Loheland (of Brae Tarn)
(M) A013418; Fawn
Am CH Oerlang von Loheland
(M) 04/03/1932 VDH/DDC 22477 / A60123; Fawn
Halfdan von der Rhön
CH Ozelot V Birkenhof
Ch33 Nepa von Loheland
(F) 11/03/1931 VDH/DDC 21698; Fawn
CH Dolf von der Saalburg
Int Ch Ferguni von Loheland
Dawn of Hazelcrest
(F) ;
CH Cliza of Caldane
(F) W55337; COI=6.38%
Ingo of Canyon Crest
(M) A583466;
CH Fabian of Warrendane
(M) ;
Am CH Blitz vom Schloß Staufeneck
(M) 09/22/1933 VDH/DDC 24622; Brindle
Joko vom Kochertal
Asta vom Schloss Filseck
Am CH Gretchen of Warrendane
(F) 10/18/1935 ; Fawn
CH Rungnir V Loheland (of Warrendane)
Wirbelwind v Loheland
Paloma of Kittyglade
(F) ;
CH Tonia of Ruhaven
(F) ;
CH Kuno of Warrendane
(M) ; Fawn
CH Rungnir V Loheland (of Warrendane)
(M) 11/07/1933 24906; Fawn
Mungo Von Loheland
Ch33 Nepa von Loheland
CH Nanda V Loheland of Warrendane
(F) 11/03/1931 21697;
CH Dolf von der Saalburg
Int Ch Ferguni von Loheland
Roda of Ruhaven
(F) ;