River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Le Grand'z Zimba
(F) 10/04/1995
S53667/95; Harlequin
COI: 3.18%
Max Factor Ambro Alessi Alano
(M) 12/24/1992
Kingsize Splendid Smuggler
(M) 08/12/1990
S58302/90; Harlequin
Kingsize Noisy Newcommer
(M) 04/03/1989
S33289/89; Harlequin
Hotpoints Time To Act
(M) 01/13/1987
N09996/87; Harlequin
Vicita's Almost Mildnight Black
(M) 06/29/1984
N08165/85; Black
BMW Ouzo
Nor., Int. & Eng Ch Hotpoints New Treasure for Batworth
Hotpoints Chaos
(F) 04/29/1985
N18374/85; Harlequin
Beaugrande's Nimrod
Int, Nor & Fin Ch French Fashion of Helmlake
Kingsize Exclusive Emerald
(F) 09/02/1985
S59967/85; Harlequin
Kingsize Carraldo-Fauna
(M) 07/17/1982
S46114/82; Harlequin
UK & Nor Ch Chapala Sherman
Int & Nord Ch Fauna dei Colossi
BMW Shamrock of Magnus
SF4798G/84; Harlequin
Am CH BMW Leprechaun
BMW Munchkin's of Magnus
Kingsize Italian Grand Daugther
; Harlequin
Kingsize Double Yankee
(M) 09/19/1984
S59907/84; Harlequin
BMW Ouzo
WE232110; Black
BMW Gengis Kahn
BMW Liquorice
BMW Shamrock of Magnus
SF4798G/84; Harlequin
Am CH BMW Leprechaun
BMW Munchkin's of Magnus
Int Ch Kingsize Candid-Fauna
(F) 07/17/1982
S46115/82; Black
UK & Nor Ch Chapala Sherman
(M) 08/24/1979
S02210/82; Harlequin
Blaaholms Pancho Villa of Chapala
Impton Catalina of Chapala
Int & Nord Ch Fauna dei Colossi
N12006/77; Harlequin
Uncas von der Rosshalde
Annabell vom Kaliberg
Bardane Fashion Parade
S26096/93; Harlequin
Aust Ch Quintessa Jazzamatazz
(M) 11/26/1987
(Q)968596; Harlequin
Batworth Limited Edition
(M) 09/25/1985
L1054706; Black/White
Grandlines ET
(M) 04/02/1983
S35388/83; Harlequin
Doggmas Soundspirit Sam
Grandlines Batique
Nor., Int. & Eng Ch Hotpoints New Treasure for Batworth
(F) 12/23/1982
L8093129; Harlequin
Nor. & Int Ch Sonny Boy Av Rosenhøi
Int, Nor & Fin Ch French Fashion of Helmlake
Aust Ch Quintessa Bolero CDX
(F) 05/19/1984
(Q)764041; Harlequin
Aust Ch Oby des Terres de la Rairie
(M) 11/30/1978
21982; Black/White
Frn Ch Luigi du Mont Simon
Int & Gmy Ch Taila vom Haus Fresena
Quintessa Kittitas CD
(F) 03/28/1980
(Q)568838; Harlequin
Tyannah Gambit
Quintessa Sheba CD
Silverstone Celebrity
(F) 01/02/1989
(W)1034115; Black
Aust Ch Asoud Konig Von Reich
(M) 01/31/1987
M1273902M01; Black
Enrico vom Drawehner Wald of Asoud
K0095649; Black
Frn Ch Surcouf du Val de l'Amitie
Gmy & Nld Ch Agate von der Heidiblute
Elicia von Aquator of Asoud
(F) 04/02/1984
K0095650; Black
Ch Nld James von der Haardburg
Avery von Antenacum
Tanjarook Butterfly
(N)931370; Harlequin
Navig Acolade
(M) 08/23/1981
(N)630795; Harlequin
Aust Ch Oby des Terres de la Rairie
Hildydane Ursula
Tarbouka Fashion Plate
(F) 01/07/1982
(V)100018; Harlequin
Aust Ch Shanatan Shamahl
Tarbouka Carla
Le Grand'z Black Ayla
(F) 12/04/1992
Celeber's Rolex
(M) 12/02/1989
S 11017/90; Black
Hotpoints Time To Act
(M) 01/13/1987
N09996/87; Harlequin
Vicita's Almost Mildnight Black
(M) 06/29/1984
N08165/85; Black
BMW Ouzo
WE232110; Black
BMW Gengis Kahn
BMW Liquorice
Nor., Int. & Eng Ch Hotpoints New Treasure for Batworth
(F) 12/23/1982
L8093129; Harlequin
Nor. & Int Ch Sonny Boy Av Rosenhøi
Int, Nor & Fin Ch French Fashion of Helmlake
Hotpoints Chaos
(F) 04/29/1985
N18374/85; Harlequin
Beaugrande's Nimrod
(M) 03/10/1981
S28614/81; Harlequin
Pantergårdens Goliat
Beaugrande's Ileana
Int, Nor & Fin Ch French Fashion of Helmlake
(F) 02/12/1980
S17590/80; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Implicable
Gaymiles Belinda
Celeber's Prima Privata
(F) 04/07/1987
SKK 31892/87; Black
Bester vom Kühlen Grunde
(M) 10/30/1985
S55110/86; Black
Akbar von der Lessingstadt
VDH/DDC 82424; Harlequin
Ger & Int Ch Leopold vom Weißen Stein
Fineß v Rothebach
Alaska vom Kühlen Grunde
(F) 05/07/1981
VDH/DDC 81951; Harlequin
Charly von der Stadt Hamm
Micha vom Kühlen Grunde
Celeber's Magic Mixie
(F) 10/01/1982
SKK 55249/82; Black
Kimbo Zum Goldenen Stein
S15835/77; Black
Elch Von Bambihaus
Elvi Von Bambihaus
Celeber's Jo-Jo
(F) 05/17/1980
S37041/80; Brindle
Swd & Fin Ch Gerjos Shilo of Airways
Celeber's Harmoni
Lyckodrömmens Tiffany
S50966/89; Black
Vitahof Fender
S51504/86; Fawn
Grand Fawn's Castor
S56113/84; Fawn
Swd & Nor Ch Airways Viggo Star
(M) 05/06/1979
S38615/79; Fawn
Swd & Fin Ch Gerjos Shilo of Airways
Paarldanes Dinro Diplomacie
Swd Ch Grand Fawns Ariadne
S1597782; Fawn
Int Nordic Ch Centaur
Lastrada's Estrella
Vitahof Bambine-E-Vita
S29624/83; Fawn
Danehouse Avant-Garde
(M) 01/06/1982
S34043/82; Fawn
Danehouse Ustinov
Int Ch Devrok's Zoe of Danehouse
S46606/79; Fawn
Int Nordic Ch Centaur
Peace Av Rosenhøi
Lyckodrömmens Manuela
(F) 04/15/1984
S29223/84; Blue
Doggmas Possible
(M) 10/04/1978
S14793/79; Black
Int. & Nor. Ch Danehouse Pepper
(M) 08/20/1977
S26342/78; Fawn
Nordic & Int Ch Danehouse Indeed
Int Ch Devrok's Zoe of Danehouse
Doggmas Min
SKK 34383/76; Black
Pantergårdens Bernando
Doggmas Hulda
Lyckodrömmens Karolina Kunnigunda
(F) 06/16/1980
S49815/80; Black
Lyckodrömmens Armando
(M) 04/08/1976
S65691/76; Blue
Lyckodrömmens Leslie
Lyckodrömmens Inkeri
Lyckodrömmens Carolina
(F) 09/08/1976
S65687/76; Black
Lyckodrömmens Vincent
Lyckodrömmens Singoalla