River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Ledezan's Black Beauty
WB 605362; Black
COI: 3.52%
Ledezan's Thunder
(M) 02/08/1964
; Black
Jan-mar's Duke of Joy
; Black
Ledezan's Mr. Lucky
; Black
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
W311422; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dollymount's Balthazar
W97480; Fawn
Am CH Faecarl's Brendo
Dollymount's Heidi
Gillean's Lass of Gariloch
W160447; Brindle
Am CH An Gleann Planetree-Targe
Am CH Candace of Taneric
Gowindane's Portrait In Ebony
; Black
Am CH Amber Duke of Tawn
W 859057; Fawn
Prince Tawn
Taneric's Gift from Lady Buff
Babe Von Downey
; Black / White
King Kong Cole
Lore von Kuhn
Jan-Mar's Joy of Gowindane
; Fawn
Anderson's Russet Rebel
; Fawn
Am CH Talbot's Mr Chips
(M) 12/01/1955
W793823; Fawn
Am CH Rocky of Guilerdane
Am CH Lil' of Guilerdane
Saki's Debutante
Saki of Gleneyre
Butler's Bianca
Juliana's Bobo of Gowindane
Am CH Amber Duke of Tawn
W 859057; Fawn
Prince Tawn
Taneric's Gift from Lady Buff
Juliana of Guilerdane
Ledezan's Tawnya
; Brindle
Am CH Kay Rio's Quill
W960898; Brindle
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
(M) 12/23/1954
W570602; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Lord Jim
(M) 02/09/1948
W91754; Brindle
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
CH Winged Victory
Am CH Heidere's Theda Bara
W366633; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aelric
Am CH Heidere's Alexi
Kay Rio's Miss Leading Lady
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
W311422; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dollymount's Balthazar
Gillean's Lass of Gariloch
Infanta of Taneric
W308422; Fawn
CH Faecarl's Brenda's Boy
An Gleann Destiny of Taneric
Gowindane's Prince Camille
; Fawn
Am CH Talbot's Mr Chips
(M) 12/01/1955
W793823; Fawn
Am CH Rocky of Guilerdane
W520422; Fawn
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
Lady Hilda of Guilerdane
Am CH Lil' of Guilerdane
Am CH Dane Eden's Samson
CH Cliza of Caldane
Saki's Debutante
Saki of Gleneyre
Anadane's Heathen
Sesame of Gleneyre
Butler's Bianca
Dinker Grunt
; Black
Duke's Valiant
; Black
Maestro of Mason Dale
; Blue
Flash Buster Mcgreg
; Blue
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
W925277; Blue
Rungmook Regal
My Blue Haven of Downscrest
Mona Lisa of Downs Crest
; Fawn
Apolo of Downs Crest
Black Magic of Downs Crest
Brunhilde of Broadmoor
; Blue
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
W925277; Blue
Rungmook Regal
My Blue Haven of Downscrest
Kristi of Downs Crest
; Blue
Rungmook Regal
Penzance of Caldane
Vixen .
(F) 12/30/1958
; Black
Am CH Nick
(M) 08/06/1956
W760667; Black
Gallant Duke
W428247; Fawn
Golden Baron CD
Princess of Talmadge CD
Blue Duchess of Moehaven
W561576; Blue
Dany Samson of Downs Crest
Bill's Pride
Countess of Downs Crest
Rungmook Regal
(M) 03/04/1954
W703925; Blue
Can Ch Rungmook Rai
Can Ch Rungmook Ranjak
Little Dina of DownsCrest
Fortunes' Pair-a-Dice
; Brindle
Anadane's Alborak of My Con
; Fawn
Anadane's Win-Jammer
(M) 03/10/1961
WA195595; Fawn
Anadane's Valor of Valen-K
Am CH Anadane's Idol
Am CH Valentina
Kay Rio's Miss Chief
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
Inafata of Taneric
Gladshelms Gingersnap
; Brindle
Am CH Bor's Odin of Gladshelm
(M) 04/10/1950
W216475; Brindle
Bor of Anadane
Duchess of Westerville
Am CH Gladshelm Image of Honey
Anadane's Heathen
Sesame of Gleneyre
Fortune's Fancy Dice
; Brindle
Am CH Sugar Dane's Gambler
W908623; Fawn
Am CH Anadane's Idol
(M) 12/09/1953
W481810; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dollymount's Balthazar
Am CH Anadane's Heartthrob
Kay Rio's Miss Sugar Candy
; Fawn
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
Infanta of Taneric
Gladshelm Cu Cu Ru
; Brindle
Am CH Czar of Gladshelm
(M) 07/06/1955
W630369; Brindle
Am CH Bor's Odin of Gladshelm
Scheherazade of Gleneyre
Gladshelm Golden Honey
Am CH Anadane's Idol
Am CH Gladshelm Image of Honey