River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Leilani II
(F) 06/04/1989
COI: 9.70%
Patchworks Red Mountain Boy
(M) 09/23/1986
Am CH Jaybee's Rhinestone Cowboy
(M) 12/09/1984
WF665517; Harlequin
Am CH Suschens Wall Street Wizard

(M) 08/08/1982
WF343218; Harlequin
Am CH Riverwood's Marko Polo
(M) 09/09/1976
WD733567; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Riverwood's Regal Siegfried
(M) 10/26/1971
WC157029; Harlequin
BMW Herr Regal Von Riverwood
Fraulein Flicka Von Riverwood
Lilli Marlene Von Riverwood
(F) 04/20/1973
WC571305; Harlequin
BMW Herr Regal Von Riverwood
Riverwood Ranch Bitte
Am CH Suschens Traum Puechen
(F) 03/15/1979
WE616842; Harlequin
Rocky Willow's Zachery
WE081724; Harlequin
Am CH R W Super Snooper Riverwood
Rocky Willow's Pantera
Desert Mountain Daisy
WE203800; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Riverwood's Regal Siegfried
Candy of Desert Mountain
Jaybee's Rica V Rey's
WF114274; Harlequin
Rey's Don Juan V Coogan
WE651644; Harlequin
Am CH Reece's Spot at the Top
WD250662; Harlequin
Am CH Kato's Faro Dealer
Am CH Kulbe's Grand Valkyrie
Rey's Lady Bianca Cha Cha
WD982298; Mantle
Banning's Kuorn Beorn
Majestix Ariel Lady Liz
Lovin's Heather
WD332588; Harlequin
Sir Freckles of the Desert
WC537108; Harlequin
Olfson v d Dornhaus
Candy of Desert Mountain
Sommersprossen of Elm Hiem
WC872426; Harlequin
Gustay Der Weiss Eins
Lieb Kindlein of Elm Heim
Patchwork's Calico Miss
Am CH Koenigdane's Prince Perseus
WF431601; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Laurenwood's Top A Th' Mornin

WF071541; Harlequin
Am CH BMW Leprechaun
(M) 12/08/1979
WE639287; Harlequin
BMW Gengis Kahn
BMW Christmas
Am CH BMW Mistletoe of Laurenwood
WE402227; Harlequin
Lazycroft The War Lord
BMW Ms Julie of Perry Street
Dutchess Erica V Koenigdane
WE560543; Harlequin
Am CH Parzival Von Koenigdane
(M) 12/25/1973
WC719758; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Aquarius V Meistersinger
Dutchess Von Meistersinger III
CH Dutchess Edel V Koenigdane
WE320500; Harlequin
Am CH Parzival Von Koenigdane
Hubsches V Koenigdane
Scoobrina Das Puppengesicht
(F) 06/06/1983
The Duke of Buffington
(M) 08/16/1979
Riverwood's Columbo
(M) 06/09/1974
WD100160; Harlequin
Conley's Kiser Bill
Am CH Conley's Rachel V Riverwood
Siegfried's Roving Brigantine
Dan-Mar's Just for Melissa
(F) 10/05/1981
The Skipper Von Riverwood
WE363550; Harlequin
Riverwood's Der Stolze Hansel
Sigfried's Roving Brigantine
NJ's Riverwood Grushenka Polo
(F) 01/18/1979
Am CH Riverwood's Marko Polo
Nj's Cairngorm Von Riverwood
Oreo By Hix's B J
Hix's B J UD
Wagers Brutt
Nero Sir
Thor Odin
Duke's Valiant
For Tunes Pair of Dice
Jecamo's Midnight Serenade
Am & Mex Ch Jecamos' Gregory of Wikoff
Jecamo's Shannon
Grand Dutchess of Deb-Dee
Am CH Mako's No Mistake of Kinroth CD
(M) 04/01/1968
WB206498; Black
Roxdane Beaugay
Mako's Blue Fire Opal
Aleisha De Chateau La
; Blue
Am CH Zoro aus dem Schwarzwald
Bleu de la Blue
Tahja Marie Joseph
CH Riverwood's Mannix
WD241468; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Riverwood's Regal Siegfried
(M) 10/26/1971
WC157029; Harlequin
BMW Herr Regal Von Riverwood
Fraulein Flicka Von Riverwood
Am CH Conley's Rachel V Riverwood
(F) 06/25/1971
WB926757; Harlequin
Captain Courageous v Riverwood
BMW Mariah Von Riverwood
Nj's Grushenka Von Riverwood
(F) 01/28/1974
WC706796; Black / White
De Silva Von Riverwood
(M) 03/28/1970
WB749929; Harlequin
Beatle V D Raubritterburg
Riverwood Ranch Bitte
BMW Mariah Von Riverwood
WB721083; Harlequin
Am CH Dinro Longsock of Charm
Hmf Flicka
Aura Marie of Cinco-C
WF367454; Black / White
Am CH Riverwood's Marko Polo
(M) 09/09/1976
WD733567; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Riverwood's Regal Siegfried

(M) 10/26/1971
WC157029; Harlequin
BMW Herr Regal Von Riverwood
(M) 02/25/1970
WB811957; Harlequin
BMW Zerox
B + W Mia of Bromorc
Fraulein Flicka Von Riverwood
(F) 08/28/1969
WB507621; Harlequin
Domino's Apollo V Hildydane
Nina Von Riverwood Ranch
Lilli Marlene Von Riverwood
(F) 04/20/1973
WC571305; Harlequin
BMW Herr Regal Von Riverwood
(M) 02/25/1970
WB811957; Harlequin
BMW Zerox
B + W Mia of Bromorc
Riverwood Ranch Bitte
(F) 11/22/1969
WB553381; Harlequin
Am CH Kant vom Emmenhof
Borgia von der Flottbek
Treana's Chelsea V Riverwood
WE188391; Black / White
Riverwood's Der Stolze Hansel
WD733199; Harlequin
De Silva Von Riverwood
(M) 03/28/1970
WB749929; Harlequin
Beatle V D Raubritterburg
Riverwood Ranch Bitte
Narjon Zaidee of Siegfried
(F) 12/28/1973
WC664653; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Riverwood's Regal Siegfried
Narjon's Zaneta of River Wood
Treana's Lacey V Riverwood
(F) 06/09/1974
WC980905; Harlequin
Conley's Kiser Bill
(M) 03/29/1973
WC533762; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Riverwood's Regal Siegfried
Niccolina Von Riverwood
Am CH Conley's Rachel V Riverwood
(F) 06/25/1971
WB926757; Harlequin
Captain Courageous v Riverwood
BMW Mariah Von Riverwood